Chapter Two: Not So Careful Planning

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    Shuichi stood there with Kokichi, surrounded by nothing but awkward silence. Everyone had long since left the gym, all agreeing on coming up with a game plan in the morning, as everyone was too mentally exhausted to try and sort things out now. Shuichi had hoped Kokichi would take charge and sort of just drag him along with him, but instead, Kokichi was just staring up at him, not saying a word. How long had they been standing? It had to have been half an hour at least. Finally, Shuichi couldn't take it anymore.
    "Um... Kokichi-"
    "-I win!" Kokichi suddenly burst out into victorious laughter.
    "The silent game, I won! That is what you were trying to do by not even addressing me right? Initiate a silent game? Unless..." Kokichi let out a scandalized gasp. "No! It can't be! D-Does Shuichi not like me?" Kokichi pouted. Shuichi decided to speak up before Kokichi started up his infamous crocodile tears.
    "I just... wasn't really sure how to initiate a conversation," Shuichi lied. Well it wasn't a complete lie. He had no idea how to start a conversation with the self proclaimed "supreme leader." Even more than that however, Shuichi was honestly a bit afraid to spend too much time with Kokichi. After all, the guy was a wild card, there was no telling what he may say or do, heck none of them even knew if he was a real threat or not. He certainly tried to act like he was, but then again, he was a liar. Shuichi felt like he was being sized up as Kokichi glared at him. He may have had a 15 cm height advantage on the guy, but he felt... small in comparison.
    "Hm... I guess that makes sense, after all, just a moment ago you were supposed to be standing here with Kaito right?"
    "What? Wait how did you-"
    "I'm not blind Shuichi, I saw you trade papers with Kee-boy! I gotta say, after seeing him leave with Kaito, I'm actually kinda impressed!"
    "Yeah! You and Kaito have been pretty much inseparable these last few days, so for you to give him to Kee-boy just so he wouldn't have to put up with me is courageous! Or... Well... There's a thin line between courageous and plain stupid, you probably just couldn't say no to poor widdle Kee-boy's puppy dog eyes right?" Kokichi's smirk grew as he watched Shuichi's shoulders tense. "Right on the money huh?"
    "I just... um..."
    "Oh Shuichi, you don't have to explain yourself, I figured Kee-boy was going to wimp out, I knew he had me the moment he looked at his paper, for a robot, he's pretty bad at hiding his emotions, especially fear," Kokichi chuckled with a sinister smirk. "Not like that's too surprising, I mean... let's be honest for once, he's not that good of a robot," Kokichi was obviously baiting Shuichi into protesting, and unfortunately, it was working.
    "Hey! Leave Keebo alone! Why are you so harsh towards him? I get that's sort of your thing, but can't you at least cut Keebo some slack?" Shuichi snapped, tired of listening to Kokichi's criticism of his friend.
    "Why should I? I like to think I treat everyone equally, if I were to make an exception for him, then that might be seen as favoritism y'know?" Kokichi sighed as he gave his lackluster excuse for how he treated the robot.
    "Equally? You mean equally terrible right?"
    "Depends on your perspective really~!"
    "Well from my perspective you treat Keebo like he's some sort of tin can you found on the side of the road..."
    "I wouldn't doubt it, your views are all sorts of skewed because of those pesky morals of yours," Kokichi rolled his eyes.
    "Yeah, you're way too worried about everyone's feelings all the time, this is a killing game we're trapped in Shuichi, relying solely on others like you've been doing is just going to get you... well killed," Kokichi went to stretch his arms behind his head, only to lightly smack himself with the chain of the handcuffs on accident. He let out an annoyed grunt. "Let's talk philosophy some other time, these things are starting to get on my nerves and I'm kinda tired soooo let's try getting some sleep!" Kokichi announced, practically skipping out of the gym, dragging Shuichi behind him. Either Kokichi was deceptively strong or Shuichi was deceptively weak, but Kokichi had no problems with pulling the taller boy along with him.
    "H-Hey! We don't even know where-"
    "-We're going to use your room obviously," Kokichi interrupted, reading Shuichi's mind. Before Shuichi could protest, Kokichi spoke up again. "My room is a bit cluttered at the moment," He explained. Cluttered? How? They had only been there for a week or two at most, so Shuichi had to wonder how much stuff Kokichi really could've accumulated in such a short time.
    "With... What?" Shuichi found himself asking.
    "The usual stuff, dirty clothes, scattered books, weapons of mass destruction," Kokichi explained with a bit of grin. It was worrying that for once Shuichi almost believed that last part.This was Kokichi he was talking to.
    While pondering whether or not Kokichi really had what he said he had, Kokichi navigated them to Shuichi's dorm. "Hate to break you out of your weird trance, but you're the one with the key," Kokichi tapped his foot impatiently, with an over-emphasized pout on his face.
    "O-Oh yeah, sorry..." Shuichi reached into his pocket and pulled out his room key, unocking the door and safely putting it back, he turned to Kokichi to see an evil smirk on his face that sent fearful shivers down his spine. "W-What?"
    "Oh it's nothing, but now that I know where Shuichi keeps his room key, killing him will be a cinch!" Kokichi let out an innocent giggle that somehow filled Shuichi with more dread than his smile had. No he wasn't serious, he couldn't be. He wouldn't have just exposed his murder plan to him so carelessly, besides...
    "If you really wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have to put that much effort into it, we're literally handcuffed together," Shuichi rationalized.
    "That's exactly why I can't kill you now, it'd be way too suspcious if the guy I was handcuffed to ended up being murdered," Kokichi's grin grew even wider, almost inhumanely so. Well, that certainly did nothing to ease any of Shuichi's nerves. "Nee-heehee, just kidding Shuichi! I'd never kill you! You're my favorite after all!" Kokichi took the lead and dragged Shuichi into the room, barely giving him a second to shut the door. Kokichi flopped down onto Shuichi's bed, nearly dragging the other boy down with him. Shuichi sighed and begrudgingly, maneuvered around the handcuffs so as to sit on the edge of the bed. He hated how the awkward angle was making the cuffs dig into his wrist.
    "I thought you didn't show favoritism?" Shuichi gave a humorless chuckle.
    "I don't, but it's hard not to let a little bit of favoritism slip out every now and then, especially when it comes to my beloved Shuichi!" Kokichi sighed dramatically. 
    "For someone who lies alot, you're not a very good liar," Shuichi muttered, mostly to himself.
    "But what if I'm not lying?" Before Shuichi could do anything, Kokichi violently tugged on the chain, pulling Shuichi back and causing him to flop down next to Kokichi, who currently had a look on his face that terrified Shuichi to no end.
    "W-What the-"
    "Nee-heehee! Just kidding! I just wanted to see that terrified look on your face! Goodnight Shuichi~!" Kokichi shot Shuichi one last grin before rolling over, facing away from the amateur detective. Shuichi had somehow become less confident in the idea that he was going to make it through this motive alive.

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