Finally becoming a Hero

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-normal train riding to its station-
"Guess today is the day I finally join the Fire Force, I hope they accept me." Shinra says to himself while continuing to walk.
Suddenly the train goes on fire and crashes killing a lot of people while others escaped. An infernal walks out of train and is in the presence of Shinra.
"Oh, you poor soul *puts down bag* I'll put you out of your misery quickly." Shinra tells the infernal while getting ready to kill it.
"SPECIAL FIRE FORCE HERE! HEY KID GET OUT OF HERE WITH THE OTHERS!" A member of fire force says to Shinra while walking over there.
Some other people are following behind him.
"Wait a minute arent you?-" "Lieutenant Hinawa are you coming?" The man says to the guy with glasses who appears to be the lieutenant.
"Oh yes sorry right away sir." Hinawa says to what seems to be the captain.
"Sister Iris will you start the prayer please." The captain tells the nun who appears to be known as sister Iris.
"Right away captain Obi." Iris says to Obi and starts reciting the prayer.
"The rest of you prepare for battle." Obi commands the others.
They nod and start getting ready.
Hinawa launches a ball of foam to put the infernals flame down a bit. The infernal launches a fireball straight at Obi but a girl with a witch hat takes out the fire. Then Obi dashes towards the infernal and stabs it with a huge weapon.
"Send thy soul back to the great flame." Iris and Obi say.
Obi then pulls the trigger killing the infernal.
"Latom.." Iris says.
"Latom.." Obi says.
" cool." Shinra whispers.
Suddenly a huge light box is launched the roof swings down on a wire about to hit sister Iris. Shinra notices this and fires up and quickly grabs sister Iris off her feet and dodges the metal part. Everyone notices this while kinda impressed.
"You ok sister?" Shinra asks Iris kinda worried.
She is flattered and blushes a bit because she was swooped off her feet by this random boy.
"Y-yes." Sister Iris tells Shinra with a hint of red on her cheeks.
Shinra realizes the position they are in and puts her down.
"Hey kid who are you?" Obi asks Shinra.
"Captain Obi I believe that's the new recruit for the 8th cathedral." Hinawa tells Obi.
"Is that correct?" Obi asks Shinra.
"Yes sir!" Shinra tells obi and gets in a saluting position.
"I am your new recruit to the 8th company, 3rd generation pyrokinetic, my name is Shinra Kusakabe, sir!" Shinra tells everyone.
Obi walks to the burnt footprints in the cement.
"So these were the devils footprints I've been hearing lately." Obi says to Hinawa.

-5 minutes later...-

Shinra's POV.
"This is the new 8th company? What a dump." I tell myself.
I walk to the door and I'm about to knock when Hinawa opens it.
"Ah Shinra, come on in." Hinawa tells me.
"Yes sir." I tell him and follow him inside.
We're walking through a darkish hall. This place looks weird. This is the new cathedral?
"You think it's a dump huh?" Hinawa asks me.
Shit he heard me!
"Uh n-no that's not what I meant." I tell him.
"Yea sure." He tells me and enters a room.
I quickly follow him and see the captain on a bar upside down.
"Ah Shinra, you finally made it welcome." The captain tells me.
"I'm captain of this cathedral, Akitaru Obi." Obi tells me.
"Its more proper to greet someone when your not hanging on a bar sir." Hinawa says to Obi.
"Ah I guess you already met our lieutenant, Takehisa Hinawa." Obi says to me while getting down.
"Yes I'm the lieutenant of this dump as you say." Hinawa says to me.
"Look that's not what I meant alright!" I tell Hinawa.
"So Shinra, about your resume photo...why are you smiling?" Obi tells me a bit concerned.
Guess I should tell him my tendency.
"Oh well when I get nervous my face tightens up making me smile." I tell both Obi and Hinawa.
"...Huh?" Obi questions me.
"When something or someone make me tense or nervous, I have a tendency to smile, that's why my resume photo is like that." I tell them both.
Obi gets curious and walks closer to me putting his face near mine trying to make me nervous, and its working I can feel my face tighten already. No c'mon control it! it happened again. I'm doing my nervous smile as always.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA THATS HILARIOUS HAHA!" Obi laughs and Pats me on the.
He's laughing?
"Sorry sorry, that's just hilarious and adorable haha you must get in trouble a lot for that huh?
"Yes actually, it has caused a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes." I tell him.
He continues laughing and my awkward smile is still showing dammit.
"So Shinra I have a question, why did you wanna join the fire force?" Captain Obi asks.
"Sir I wanted to be a hero and save everyone, I also want to work well with others and help out as much as I can." I tell Obi.
I had a longer speech but meh this will do.
"That's an interesting ambition." Obi tells me.
"A hero huh, well your so called nickname makes that seem untrue as well as am incident that happened to you when you were younger." Hinawa tells me.
So they've heard of my nickname and my past, aaammaaaazzziiinngg. So much for getting accepted for who I am.
"Hey if your really a delinquent who's trying to clear his reputation then, you need to leave if you are." Hinawa tells me.
Great now he thinks I'm a delinquent.
I just stay silent and look down. Man why does everyone think different of me because of my past...

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