SHOPPING Chapter 13.

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Lisanna's POV

"Ugh, let's go," I said.

"Cana, Levy, Erza," Mira said, "want to go shopping with us?" 

Erza smiles, "Why not, I need a new dress."

Levy chuckles, "Alright!"

Cana puts her beer down, "Let's go.. I need a break from drinking."

Mirajane squeals. "Let's go!"

Wendy walks around the guild with Carla.

"Let's ask the little girl!" I said.

"Alright." Mira said.

"Hey Wendy, want to go shopping with us?" Mira asks.

She looks down.

"Uhm.. ok.." she says.

I should ask Juvia.

"Juvia-chan, do you want to go shopping with us?" I asked.

She looks up. "Why not, maybe Gray will like it if I buy some new clothes?"

"Okay, Let's go everyone!" Mira says.

About 7 of us were squished in the taxi cab.

I brought my purse to buy my own clothes.

We walked into the mall, buying makeup, clothes, hair accessories, food, and lots of girly items.

We ate there, chat there and had fun.

While I was eating my donut, "Hey, why isn't Lucy here?" Cana says.

"I guess we forgot about her," Levy says.

I rolled my eyes. That is a good thing.

Natsu's POV

Where is Lisanna, Mirajane, Erza, Levy, Cana, Wendy, Juvia, and all of em?

I'm here stuck with Lucy.

"Where is everyone?" Lucy says.

"I don't care, at least Natsu is here!" Lucy says.

Ugh. This girl is so annoying.

I hear the taxi cab arriving in front of the guild.

"Huh?" I ran outside.

A bunch of chattering girls, holding shopping bags, wearing makeup and different clothes on, and drinks in their hands.

"What?" I said.

There I saw Lisanna, she is just wearing lip gloss, and wearing regular clothes.

Lucy comes outside.

"What?" she says.

"How come I wasn't invited?" she says outloud.

I shrugged.

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