Natsu and Lisanna Talk Chapter 7.

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*Hey Guys, I know Lucy sounds kinda cruel and mean here, but when I make the NaLu story, Lucy will be really nice and sweet, and Lisanna will stay sweet forever*

Natsu's POV

"What's gotten into Lucy?" I say to Happy.

Happy eats his fish.

"Maybe scary Lucy and real Lucy combined together." Happy says.

I shook my head. "Nah."

When did Lucy become so JEALOUS?

Then I think.


I ran to the mirror.

"That's why theres two girls after me, because, I'm so, FABULOUS!" I say out loud.

Happy nomming onto his fish.


Then I stopped.

"Really, let's get serious."

"I mean I like both of them." I said.

"Lushi is scary," Happy says.

"Yeah I agree," I said.

Someone knocks on the door.

Happy's eyes grow BIG.

"OH NO IT MIGHT BE SCARY LUSHI!" Happy hides behind me.

"Relax, Happy."

I opened the door, and I see Lisanna in her normal outfit. Her cheeks are kinda blushed, but she still has a nice smile on her face.

"Hello Natsu." Lisanna says cheerfully.

"Hey Lisanna!" I said, "come right in!"

She walks in casually.

She sits on the couch.

Happy sits next to her.

"So, what's up Lisanna?" I say.

She blushes even more.

"I want to talk, about what happen today." she says.

"What's wrong Lisanna? Did Lucy hurt you, if she did, just tell me, okay?" I say.

She nodds.

"Well.. I am wondering.. why does Lucy hate me?" she says.

Oh.. Thats why Lisanna is blushing, she's embarrassed. How cute.

"Lisanna.. Don't worry about her, she's just like that, very violent." I smile.

"Oh.. I just want to be her friend not argue with her over.. you.." she says.

"Lisanna.. Like I said.. don't worry about her, and if she hurts you.. please tell me." Natsu says.

"Ah.. okay Natsu.." Lisanna smiles.

Happy smirks.

Then Happy crawls to Lisanna.

I thought about something to make Lisanna feel better.

"Listen.. Lisanna.." I said.

I know! I can invite her over for a date!

She looks over to me.

"Let's go grab some dinner on Friday, at 7PM?" I say, kinda blushing.

She blushes.

"Um.. Sure!" she says.

YES! she agrees.

"So.. it's a date then!" I say.

She blushes and puts her hand onto her mouth.

"It's settled then Natsu." she says, "see you tomorrow Natsu!" she says, and she walks out the door.

Happy looks at me with an evil smirk.

"You LOVEEE her!" Happy says.

"Oh please.." I say.

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