A Shore

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I'm sure I see a shore. It is dark, but stark in my world apart. The moon looked at the world with not eyes, making it easier to see the prize. Gravel glittered like little eyes, beckoning me from the numbing deathly calm waters that let my weak, life-body glide. I kick a stone, then my feet feel purchase on many that run from under my feet. I feel so heavy. I struggle, my not arms and not legs threatening to tumble into the sloping darkness with the gravel. Grab, step, stumble. I can not think, but I think? Grab, step, splash. I am cold, I can not feel my lifeless body unfold. Grab, slip, splash. I crawl from my grave and birth place on my not knees. Grab, scrape, drag. I am tired. I drag myself onto my stomach, the stones below stick and prick my exposed numb skin. I could not smell with my not nose, I took a small breath that was little more than the parting of lips. I rest my not head on the shore of glittering eyes. I am tired, and so I close my not eyes.

I awake, with wide not eyes. I feel... I feel gravel eyes sticking to my thighs and face with ginger surprise. I rise-too quickly, I turn, throwing up the tar from the tides, retching my lungs from the body I do not recognise. My blurry, not eyes, are narrowed and singed from the yellow sunlight. I feel... the water lapping at my feet; both lovely and sweet, beckoning me to go back and seek a void that called me, so distant and meek. I see... scattered trees not too far, pines... I feel I know they are. I look away from the tides. I groan, I push, and stumble. My not legs threatening to crumble. I step, I fall, I step. I can barely see. Blurry eyed, too bright for the eye to be. I wince, I step, I make it away from the place I once slept. Step, stumble, step. I do not know where I am going. Step, stumble, step. I see a shadow. Step, stumble, step. I do not know where I am. Step, squint, tumble. A raise a not hand against the yellow light too bright for my eyes to fight, a shadow moves faster. Blink, squint, blink. Is that tree moving? Stumble, fall, sleep. 

I feel... I feel cool soothing touches, and hear deep hushed whispers. I smell... I smell sweet poisoned honey and clean green spaces. I see... I don't see. My eyes feel heavy, so heavy I could not lift them. Glued. I am awake? but I am asleep. I am not in the deep. I hear... whispers of curtains in a breeze I could not feel. My tongue? lead and dry, as the sand that lay with the glittering gravel eyes. My body feels hollow, like it's still formless-but a shadow. I feel with my not hands, soft cool sheets. I can not move my not feet. I drag my eye lids from the deep, looking to where I could scarcely feel my not feet. Blink, stare, blink. They are fine. I am propped in pillows very fine, pillows soft and kind to fevered skin both burnt and aching. I do not want to move my head which throbs with the pulse from the heart of here, my whole body feels like lead. All I can do is look ahead, staring at the strange things at the bottom of my bed. Blink, breathe, blink. I breathe air? Blink. 

I do not move my head when I see a figure ahead. Blink, stare, blink. They stumble slightly in-front of the bed. Blink. A man, sweet and kind, had a crease line marking his dark brow-line. I could not understand his face. I saw big honey eyes, beautiful and kind rimmed with lashes longer than mine. A nose, slightly crooked as if broken, dusted with sun kissed golden freckles. lips, full and pink, in a line solemn and grim. His dark locks of hair brushing his suns kissed face with abandon. Blink. I studied his face, but it didn't click in place. Quietly, the man sat beside the bed, on a chair made by hand. He was quiet, watching me as I him. 

"Good morning," He started. "My name is Elaiath." He spoke quietly and soft as if it were rehearsed.

"I found you on the beach three turns ago." He leaned his muscled, golden elbows on his white scarred knees. Propping a fine jaw atop a clenched fist. Leaning forwards, he looked at the ground, away from her eyes.

"I found you bereaved of garments, and laid bare to the sun." he cleared his throat not finding it easy for himself to discuss the sight. 

"You were left to the seagull and the dogs." he said, a hint of bitterness, but more so of something she couldn't quite understand.

"I saw you. A girl, a pale slip of a thing stumble and fall." He shook his head.

"I couldn't believe it, at first. These shores are stranger to most, a stranger to all. You would have died, guaranteed had I not found you." His honey comb eyes found her own, unbeknownst to her. 

"You are the first person to walk my shores in a long while. So I would like to know how you managed to walk them." His eyes slightly narrowed, but he kept his voice cool and soft as the whispering cotton curtains. She realised that the breeze carried the salty sweet smell of the sea, and greenery. 

Blink, stare, blink. I am a girl? my eyes looked down to my hands which twitched at my sides, to the feet at the end of the bed, then back to the man beside her. Blink, swallow, blink. I darted my tongue out to moisten my lips. I feel unsure, how do I speak? 

She made a strange noise in her throat, attempting to form words in her mouth. 

"....I..." Her eyes flicked from his own to her hands, swallowing thickly.

".....I.....d-do..n't...." She swallowed thickly again, the man sat eyes slightly softening.

".....K-kno wh-er... I a-am."she rasped, swallowing and wincing. Her throat raw and dry.

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