00. prolong

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chapter zero,

chapter zero,prolong

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november 12, 2009
la push, washington

paul lahote can remember the night he met his imprint like it was yesterday. it was at a party at the beach, the entire la push high school was invited. he was standing with jared, a drink in his hand, facing off in the direction of the ocean. the two were talking to each other when he saw her. her raven hair was pulled back into two french braids as the moon seemed like it shone directly on her. loud laughter filled his ears as she ran around the beach with jacob chasing her. embry and quil were standing by the shore, watching the twin siblings in amusement. 

"never thought I'd see the day were adelaide black was at a party." jared spoke out as he and paul walked closer to the group. the sibling snapped their heads in their direction, adelaide tapping jacob in the arm to put her down. jacob, quil and embry gave the boys a glare. adelaide gave the two a smile as she hung onto her brother's arm.

"i decided to try something new." she replied shrugging her shoulders causing jacob to roll his eyes. 

"yeah right, more like embry and i had to drag your lazy ass out of the house."jacob retorted making the black girl smack her brother on the head. 

"i'm surprised to see you guys here, you know considering all you do is follow sam around these days." jacob said. the boys behind her let out some laughs but paul and jared ignored his comment. they were well aware of what the reservation thought of them. 

adelaide rolled her eyes at her brother's comment. sure she wasn't the best friends with jared or paul but she didn't like jacob's attitude. they weren't causing any problems, they just wanted to talk. 

"decided to try something new." jared copied  adelaide making her chuckle. 

just as she was about to say something, another wave hit her legs making her stumble lightly in the water. paul was quick and caught her waist, pulling her into him before her body was drenched by the cold water of la push beach. adelaide's small hands grabbed onto paul's biceps as she tried to regain her balanced. when she did, she looked up ready to say thank you and for the first time that night their eyes met.

it was just like sam described it to him, images of him and adelaide flashed through his mind. it was beautiful, the way they were together. paul couldn't imagine anything better. an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness washed over him as he continued to stare into adelaide's honey eyes. it was like gravity didn't exist and the only thing keeping him grounded was her. 

paul's grip tightened on her waist as she subconsciously fisted his shirt moving closer to him. she couldn't help it, at that moment he was magnetic. adelaide's body was warm, the heat paul was giving off wrapped around her like a safety blanket. her heart was erratic as she could feel how fast it was racing and it was insane. a soft, shy smile pulled at her lips. 

"alright that's enough," jacob interrupted as he pushed paul away from her. "get your hands off my sister." 

paul did was he was told and released adelaide, his hands up. in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to smack her brother for doing that. she was fine with paul. jacob grabbed adelaide's arm leading her back towards the party with quil and embry in tow. she wanted to stay but she didn't want to cause a scene and knowing her brother he would so she let jacob pull her away, but not before she turned around to getting one last look at paul.

"did you just imprint on chief black's daughter?" jared said, his eyes slightly wide from what just happened. paul nodded as he stared off in the direction that the black siblings disappeared from. he was in shock, he never thought that he, out all of the shifter, would get an imprint so soon, especially one as beautiful adelaide black. jared sighed, patting his friend on the back. "come on, we need to talk to sam about this." 

as the shifters made their way back to emily's house, adelaide found herself looking for the lahote boy. she couldn't explain it, but she needed to see him. 

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