01. do better

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chapter one,
do better

chapter one,do better

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january 12, 2010
la push, washington

"i can't do it anymore." paul snapped as he paced back on forth. he ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he talked to his alpha. "I need to see her sam."

"you know you can't paul, we made a promise to billy." sam told him as he stood up from his seat walking over to the young shifter.

"no, you made a promise to billy." paul hissed at sam, emphasizing the you. he wanted, no he needed, to see adelaide. he was desperate. his wolf was desperate. paul's entire being ached for the one thing he can't have. at least not until she or jake shifted and it was killing him. paul clenched his fist by his side as he tried to calm himself down. "it's been weeks sam, i need to see her."

sam's heart ached for his friend, he knew paul was going to go insane if he didn't see imprint again.

"I know paul, but you can't right now." paul's body twitched before he turned around running into the woods and phasing into his wolf.

"you can't keep separating them." emily spoke up from behind the counter. sam looked towards her, shaking his head. he knew that but there was nothing he could do. he promised the elder council.

"she's right sam. i've seen adelaide around school and she doesn't look any better than paul." jared added in the hope that his alpha would be sympathetic to adelaide if not paul. "she's a shifter too even if she hasn't phased yet. she can feel something's wrong."

"i know." sam closed his eyes sinking into one of the kitchen chairs. he doesn't want to see one of his brothers in this much pain. he opened his eyes looking towards jared. "but it won't be long now. someone is going to shift, i can feel it."


"i'm worried about her dad." adelaide heard jake say to her father through the door. she climbed off her bed, putting her ear to the door. "she's sad, it's written all over her face. she barely comes out of her room and when she does go out it's like she's not even there. she doesn't pay attention to any of us, she just looks around as if she's looking for something." or someone.

adelaide bit her lip as she heard the conservation. she knew something was different since the night of the party. it felt like she was missing or forgetting something but she didn't know what. everything was in place in her life. 

"she'll be okay jacob." billy replied looking back towards the locked wooden doors. he felt for his daughter. he felt bad for putting her through all this pain but he couldn't risk it yet. paul didn't have enough control over his wolf for his adelaide to be safe with him, yet.

adelaide swallowed hard as she took in what jake said. did she really look sad all the time? she didn't want that and she didn't want her family to worry about her. it was in that moment that she vowed that she'll do better.

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