thirteen ❀

762 33 16

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  [ joshua's pov ]  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

today is the day. my first training session with jeonghan in my class.

i woke up extra early, had a long bath and changed into some decent clothes.

i sighed as i stood in front of my mirror, uncertain if what i was wearing was gonna impress him - a white singlet and black sweatpants.

i left my room and walked briskly to the practice room.

it was still early, around 30 minutes before the training started.

where's daemi though?

daemi was the other trainer, working with me to teach the new trainees. she was supposed to be here.

i shrugged and turned on the music at a low volume, and started practicing the choreography before the new trainees come in.

25 minutes later~~
i ran my hand through my messed up hair, panting slightly, wiping the beads of perspiration off my face.

it was 5 minutes to the start of the practice, so i went outside and took attendance.





i called out all the names but a certain one didn't reply: jeonghan.

where was he? he's late... daemi isn't here either...

almost an 45 minutes had gone by, but both jeonghan and daemi wasn't in sight. i started to get slightly paranoid, both of them were gone at the same time?

what if they went somewhere together? are they dating now?

so many questions filled my head, thinking of all the possible explanations to the absence of the two.

just as i was about to call for a short break time, the door swung open.

jeonghan walked in, holding daemi's hand.

i could've collapsed there and then. were they really dating? but jeonghan liked guys... did he suddenly change his mind?

i turned off the blasting music, both jeonghan and daemi were panting heavily, as if they had been running a marathon.

the kids in my class started questioning and gossiping between themselves.

"woah... are they dating?"

"omy, they look so cute together!"

"i ship!!!"

"otp! favourite couple ever!"

my insides boiled with anger as i glared at jeonghan. he averted my gaze and stared at the floor instead, running his fingers through his hair a couple of times.

daemi and jeonghan bowed and apologised, asking for permission to join the class. of course being the nice guy that i was, i granted their request, and didn't even punish them.

but of course i asked jeonghan to meet me after class! he couldn't escape from me and my burning questions - for example, WHY THE HELL WERE THEY LATE FOR CLASS TOGETHER??

during the whole practice, jeonghan didn't even look at me once, i tried getting his attention by praising him in front of the whole class for his average moves but he just faked smiled in response. even when i went right next to him to "correct" him on a move, even though he performed it perfectly, he would just hum in acknowledgement, not looking up to meet my gaze.

i was furious with him. he can't ignore me forever, right?

the hours went by painfully slow but finally, training came to an end.

"thank you everyone! remember, tomorrow same timing! have a good's night rest!" daemi smiled, as everyone packed up and left.

jeonghan was about to leave too. he sighed and was about to step out the door when two voices called out to him simultaneously - mine and someone dangerously familiar: seungcheol.

"jeonghannie my angel..." seungcheol started.

jeonghan scoffed loudly, "hah!! i'm not your angel anymore seungcheol. and i hope it will forever stay that way. get lost."

seungcheol let out a soft whimper and was about to leave the room, when he turned around and stormed to where i was standing, lifting up his fist. as though he was about to punch me.

i flinched and instinctively turned my face away, bracing the impact of the punch, but it never came.

i let down my guard and saw seungcheol leaving the room, and i heaved a sigh of relief.

i turned to jeonghan, "what on earth was that??"

he shook his head and shrugged, "i broke it up with him."

my mouth formed an O shape at the weird news, ??? didn't he love seungcheol? so much that he decided to leave me for him? HAHAHA

i felt like i somehow won a battle, he's single now!! and obviously available for me :))

"okay, come with me."

he frowned and bit his lip, while i stared once again into his beautiful eyes.

i made him follow me all the way to the corner of the room and turned around to face him, blurting out all of my inquiries.

"are you and daemi dating?" i took a step closer to him.

"why were you late today?" i took another step.

"why were you late with her today?" another step.

"what were you guys doing?" another.

"i heard you slept with her." i jabbed his chest, hard.

tears brimming in my eyes.

he merely scoffed, "slept? with her? you out of all people should know i like guys!"

he took a small step towards me, our noses nearly touching, "and no. we're not dating. if you're done with your so-called interrogation, i'll be leaving now. thanks josh."

he turned around and started to leave, my heart shattering once again.

"how long are you gonna ignore me jeonghan? i freaking love you..." i dropped to my knees.

he stopped briefly, looking over his shoulder and giving me the coldest response.

"leave me alone. and get out of my life. by the way, singlets don't look good on you. so does your dyed hair and everything about your new self. i hate it. change it all back, then come find me."

i stifled a cry and my legs moved forward, even though my brain told them to stay put.

they didn't listen though, and i found myself hugging jeonghan from the back, tears pouring down my face.

i cried, "jeonghan... all the changes to my appearances was for you, to impress you and make you go wow, at my new looks. i didn't want to agree to dying my hair a different, striking colour, since you told me last time that you loved natural beauty the most but i obliged just solely because CEO Lee threatened me. i won't say for what and why, but it was something bad, something inclined to hurt you, so i reluctantly agreed to all his conditions. he made me dress like a brat, and made me go on countless shows, interviews and concerts. but i didn't go to sing and dance, instead, i went to advertise Pledis and encourage the other high ranking people to vote Pledis as the best company of music. i hate myself now, for even agreeing to him. i feel so bloody stupid."

i let go of him slowly and left the room, a waterfall flowing down my cheeks.

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*tbc  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿


hi sorry for not updating ;-; been busy lately!! this wasn't too bad..?
(word count: 1172 words)

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