seventeen ❀

625 26 31

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* [third person's pov] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

the four boys slowly made their way to the dance room, strolling and chatting along the way, not even a bit bothered by the consequences waiting for them.

when they reached the door of the practice room, all was silent. there was no loud music like there usually was, with the occasional shouting of "1,2,3,4!" or "no! try again!". this time, there was no noise coming out from the room.

well, the boys were obviously oblivious to this fact as they, still chatting away, walked into the dead silent room.

what they saw shocked the living hell out of them.

the once well bright and cheerful room, full of laughter and conversations, had black wallpaper hung round the walls, to cover all the mirrors.

the lights weren't on, so the boys had to squint to make out the details of the eerie room.

the only source of light was a few candles, they were put in a huge circle.

and what was in the circle almost made them faint and run out of the room.

the rest of the trainees, including daemi, were tied up, sitting on chairs so short and small that they threatened to break under their weight. their hands were cuffed behind their backs and they had a blindfold over their eyes, preventing them from seeing anything. they all also had a cloth stuffed into their mouths, so that they couldn't scream for help or communicate with one another.

none of the 8, once happy and talkative people, in the circle moved. it was as though they were already dead.

but one big question circled the brains of the four boys gasping at the scene in front of them.

who did this?

jeonghan immediately walked forward, but before he could reach the closest guy to him in the circle, someone laughed evilly.


it echoed around the room, so the boys couldn't make out where the noise originated.

jeonghan proceeded to walk towards the circle of victims again, but the laughter persisted.


soonyoung immediately took off, smacking the black curtains with his hand, checking whether anyone was hiding behind them.

jihoon hid behind joshua's back, terrified. [a/n awhhh hoonie~]

soonyoung struck gold.


"ow fuck!" a very familiar voice cried in pain.

soonyoung stripped off the curtains that were covering the unknown person and nearly screamed when he saw the guy's face.

"CEO LEE??" soonyoung screamed. [a/n yep, soonyoung nearly screamed but still screamed! tsk hoshi]

"well well well, look who's here. the four heroes! oh my god! save me! save me! i'm dying!" mr lee pretended sarcastically and fell to the floor, only to crawl to where joshua and jihoon were standing.

jihoon tightened his grip on joshua's shirt, clawing at his skin in the process. joshua was trying not to flinch when mr lee stood up, licking his lips like a maniac and whispering, "look who it is, mr hong. for the first time ever, he's late! for the first time ever, he's not a role model, for everyone to follow! for the first time ever, he's nothing. and from today onwards, you will be NOTHING! YOU HEAR ME! EVER SINCE YOU STEPPED INTO PLEDIS 5 YEARS AGO, MY REPUTATION HAS BEEN DEGRADING. PEOPLE CALL ME SHIT!! BECAUSE I'M THE OPPOSITE OF YOU. DISGUSTING, FAT, UGLY, CRAZY. but you? you get all the recognition, all the fame. ALL THE MONEY! do you even know how much money i make, as the FUCKING CEO OF PLEDIS? i make less than you. my salary is DOG SHIT COMPARED TO YOURS!! and i've had just enough. you're fired. or, maybe, i should kill all of your friends, one by one, right in front of your eyes," he smiled crazily and gestured to the people in the circle.

"and save the beautiful, loving, angel, jeonghan for—"

mr lee fell flat on his face as soonyoung used his taekwondo skills and knocked the consciousness out of him.

soonyoung and joshua stared at each other for a while, then burst out laughing.

soonyoung rolled on the floor, holding his stomach, "HAHA!! WHAT WAS THAT HAHAHA!!"

"I KNOW RIGHT HAHAHA!!" joshua wheezed.

"guys, urh, i think we better tie him up, so when he regains consciousness he won't be able to escape. plus, we needa report him to the police for his crazy actions." jihoon said firmly.

"would you guys care to help me untie out friends?" jeonghan questioned the three boys.

joshua and soonyoung slowed down their laughter as the three of them made their way over to the circle of victims, completely forgetting to tie mr lee up.

jeonghan sighed, "okay, let's take the blindfold— AHHH!!"

jeonghan had taken the blindfold off on of the victims, junhui.

but to everyone's horror, junhui's pupils were dilated, off centre. it was like a legitimate horror movie scene.

jun stirred, his pupils rolling to the back of his head as his whole body shook vigorously.


the four boys quickly positioned themselves each at one of the spazzing boy's limbs, holding them down with all their weight.

white foam dripped down the side of junhui's mouth as his body continued to shake.

then, suddenly, it stopped.

jun's body stopped moving completely, as if dead.

soonyoung, who held down his right arm earlier, quickly checked for his pulse, while joshua, who held down his left arm, checked for his breathing.

the two holding down his legs could do nothing but watch in horror, muttering prayers, and hoping that their friend would be alright.

"he has a weak pulse." soonyoung broke the silence.

"yeah, he's breathing. but just barely. we need to call an ambulance right now. before it gets any worse!! quick." joshua instructed jihoon.

jihoon fumbled with his phone before dialling 911, "hello?? yes, we need an ambulance right this instant!! pledis entertainment!! as soon as possible!! thank you!! and please hurryy!"

"who asked you to call an ambulance, lee ji hoon?" a voice boomed behind the four boys.

they forgot to tie mr lee up.

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*tbc *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿


hi! how was this chapter? ^~^
i hope jun will be alright >_<
and why tf is mr lee so rude and evil!! >:c

[a/n]hi! how was this chapter? ^~^i hope jun will be alright >_<and why tf is mr lee so rude and evil!! >:c

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enjoy jun being cute awh~
cya cuties! <3
(word count: 1068 words)

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