I'm Sorry I'm Not Tumblr

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Blaire Evans is your typical tumblr girl, she just doesn't know it. But what happens when she becomes well known over social media and joins Magcon?

Chapter 1

Blaire's POV**

Beep Beep Beepity Beep Beep

I drag myself out of the comfort of my bed for the start of the school year.


I quickly hop into the shower and blow dry my hair. I choose to dress nicer today because it's my first day at my new school.

I choose to wear peach high waisted shorts with a teal tank top tucked in. To top it all off i put on a floral jacket and a butterfly necklace.

I went sat in front of my mirror and applied some concealer on face. I then put on winged eyeliner and mascara making my bright blue eyes pop. I also curled my hair and pinned it to the side, I was satisfied with my look and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I was walking down the stairs I could smell my Mother cooking.

I finished eating and went upstairs to brush my teeth. As I went I yelled a thank you to my Mom for the meal.

I realized if i didn't leave now that I would be late so I grabbed my new Iphone 6, my emoji bookbag, slid on my shoes and quickly got to school.

I walked to the office to get my schedule. The lady at the desk gave me an quick smile then asked my name.

"Blaire Evans" I told her. She went through a file cabinet and pulled out my schedule.

"Your first class is in room 209 and your locker is 23A just down the hall. Everything you need to know is written on this paper. Have a nice first day!" She says as she handed me the paper and I left to go to my locker.

I was stopped by three girls in the hall.

"Hi! You must be the new girl I'm ruby!" said a gorgeous blonde with a reverse ombré, dark blue eyes, and braces colored to match her name.

"I'm Nikki, Nice To Meet You!" Says a short brunette with light brown eyes. She was very pretty also.

"I'm Cathlina, but you can call me Cat." Says a tall girl with very tan skin, long brown hair and hazel green eyes.

"Blaire" I said.

They looked at each other with confusion. Then Nikki finally realized what I meant and told the others.

"Her name is Blaire!" She said laughing.

We all started laughing until the bell rang meaning we had five minutes to get to class. We exchanged numbers and I went to my locker.

I got all my stuff ready for Algebra and started walking to class. I walked past a group of very attractive boys hearing Zayuuum's and whistles from them.

They all followed me to my class and all sat close by.

I could get used to this, I thought but I guess I was thinking out loud because the boys around me began to laugh.

I blushed and apologized to them.

The teacher didn't give us much work so I played on my phone for most of the time.

Until I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a cute blonde boy with warm brown eyes smirking at me.

**Authors Note**
I will be changing the ages of some of the boys to fit this story. This is my first story so i'm sorry for any mistakes.

I would appreciate the likes and comments and i will try to update when i can.

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