Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Blaire's POV**

I turned to the boy and smirked back.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I'm Matt" he said "The guys and I were wondering if you wanted to come to a party with us on Saturday?"

"Well I would love to but I think I should get to know you all better..Want to hangout later today?" I asked him.

His eyes lit up like a christmas tree and a smile formed on his face.
"Sounds Great! But do you mind if some of the other guys bring their girlfriends?"

"I don't mind. I really want some new friends anyway!" I replied.

**Later That Day**

Matt's POV

Group Chat With The Guys

M: Going to Blaire's later you guys in?

N:What about my bæ? If they can come i'll be there.

M: All the Girls can come too :)

CD: I'm in!

A: I'll be there.

ML: ok i'm coming ;)

H: Football:(

N: Hayes you weren't invited XD

H: Shut Up!

S: Thank you for the invite. I'm there!

CR: I'm Down!
TC: Squad Meet up!

M: See you Guys later!

This should be really fun as soon as we get to know her better we can invite her into our group! "The Boss Gang" as Taylor would put it.

Blaire's POV**

I got food and drinks for everybody, not bothering to tell my parents because they'll be at work all night. I assume we will probably go swimming and watch movies so I set some movies out and went to my room to change.

I changed into my red ombré swimsuit and put on some jean shorts and a tie-dye tank top.. As if on cue there was on knock on the door.

I walked down to the door and opened it. The girls from school were standing there with all the guys. The were all in swimsuits and had a change of clothes with them.

After awhile of messing around and getting to know each other better in the pool we decided to get out of the pool and hang out in the living room.

I ordered a pizza and we decided to play truth or dare.

Nash went first.

"Ruby Truth or Dare baby" when he said that I assumed they were a couple.

"Truth" she said.

"What do you like most about me?" he said and winked at her.

"I love everything about you!" she blushed.

"Relationship Goals!" I yelled and everyone laughed.

"Taylor Truth or Dare" Ruby asked.

"Dare" He replied.

"I dare you to kiss Carter" she said while laughing along with everyone. Except Carter and Taylor who both looked horrified.

Taylor then leaned into Carter and kissed his cheek.

I began to laugh a little to loud and Taylor looked at me. I knew that i was going to be called on next.

"Blaire truth or dare" he said.

"Truth" I responded very quickly.

"Which boy do you think is the hottest?" he smirked while asking me.

I know that the Jacks' and Nash were taken and I wasn't at all interested in them. I need to choose wisely.

"Cameron but..." I said while winking at him. His facial expression was priceless. Matt and Taylor's faces looked disappointed. Dafuq?

"Matt and Taylor you guys are also very attractive too" I said while blushing. They were all shocked and i continued with the game.

"Mahogany Truth or Dare" I asked her.

"Dare" she replied.

**After the pizza arrived**

We all ate pizza and returned to the game.

"Blaire Truth or Dare"

"Truth" I said.

"How are you so tumblr? and what's your account name?" he asked.

"I'm sorry I'm not tumblr." I replied.

Everyone gasped and began to unlock their phones to make me an account for every social media.

At the end of the day I ended up with a vine, instagram, tumblr, snapchat, facebook, and a kik.

My friends were very popular because once they followed me I began to get many followers also. I clicked on their profiles and found they were in something called Magcon?

"Nash what's Macgon?" i asked. Once again they all gasped and they then explained to me what it was. I watched Matt and Nash whispering to each other and occasionally they would glance in my direction. I then knew something was going on and I was dedicated to know what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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