Chapter 5

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"Took you long enough" Brittney says. "Whatever" I say. "Wait" Brittney says looking down at my boxers, "Do you have a..." "Yes" I say nervously waiting for her response. After a few seconds Brittney says, "So that's what Izzy meant. Does it work?" I look at her and blink a few times, "Wha-what?" "Does it work" Brittney asks again, "Can you get someone pregnant?" "I um...the doctors said it was completely functional" I say.

Brittney smirks and then splashes me. She laughs as she swims away from me. I smile and swim after her. I swim under Brittney and grab her leg pulling her down. Once we both surface, we start splashing each other. After about five minutes of the splash war, I let Brittney win and just swim around the lake for a few hours. Once we are tired, cold, and hungry we decide to call it quits on swimming and climb out of the lake.

Brittney grabbed a blanket from her car and laid it down on the ground. We sit down and I start setting out all the food and bottle of alcohol I took from my brother's bar. I open the alcohol and we start to eat. "Tell me about yourself Adrian" Brittney says. "There's not much to tell" I say. "I still wan to hear it" Brittney says. "Tell you what" I say, "we take turns asking questions and we both answer." "Sounds good to me. I'll go first" Brittney says, "Lets see...have you lived here your whole life? I moved here the summer of my freshmen year of high school."

"Born and raised" I say, "What's your favorite color, mine is black." "Pink. Do you have any siblings" Brittney asks, "I'm an only child." "I have a stepbrother" I say, "What do you like to do for fun? I like to play basketball." "Anything to do with theatre. What's your family like" Brittney asks, "I have a stay at home mom and my dads a lawyer." "My older brother works at this big company, my soon to be sister-in-law is a nurse or doctor or something like that, my dad is a cop, I could care less about what my current stepmom is doing, and I have no idea where my mom even is" I say, "What kind of music do you like? If I like the song I like the song, don't particular care what genre it is."

"I basically only listen to musicals" Brittney says, "Why does Izzy hate you?" "I have no idea why. We became friends back in fifth grade and then a couple of months into freshmen year, he joined the football team and started bulling me" I say, "Why did you want to ditch school with me of people?" "I have my reasons" Brittney says, "Do you like me?" Brittney catches me off guard with this question and I become a stuttering idiot. I take a few deep breathers and asks, "And what if I did?" "Then I would say, that I might have a thing for you" Brittney says.

After that, we just enjoyed the rest of our meal in silence. Once we were dry, we put our clothes back on. We then drove to a near by park and walked around talking, getting to know each other better. But what Brittney confessed to me stayed in the back of my mind. Brittney likes me. Brittney freaking Lavine returns my feelings. What do I do now? Do I ask her out? Do I ask her to be my girlfriend? I really need to talk to Kara.

Once it started getting dark, Brittney drove us to the look out cliff. We laid down on the hood of her car and just looked at the stars, making our own constellations and background story. We did this til Brittney realized it was one in the morning. Brittney insisted on driving me home, but I convinced her to go home and that I could walk. Brittney was on the fence til I told her it was only a twenty minute walk. "Alright, just be safe" Brittney says. "I will" I say, "I promise." Brittney nods and then says, "See you around Ray." "See you around Brittney" I say. "I had a lot of fun today" Brittney says smiling. "Me too" I say. Brittney kisses my cheek and then drives home. I walk home smiling like an idiot.

Once I arrive at my brother's apartment, instead of using the door, I use the fire escape. Once I make it to my window, I open it quietly praying that my brother and Hanna are asleep and not waiting up for me. I climb in through the window making sure not make any noise or knock anything to floor. After successfully making it into my room without making any noise, I close my window. I sigh and fall face first onto my bed.

Flashbacks of today start playing in my head and I smile. I can't believe that Brittney wanted to skip school, and then on top of that, wanted to skip with me. Also that she likes me and kissed my cheek. Reaching into my pocket I take out my phone and see that it is two in the morning. Not even the fact that I have to wake up in four and half hours for school can wipe the smile off my face. In fact, nothing can. I go to my contact to text Brittney when a thought hits me. I never got her number. the hell did I not get her number.

"Idiot" I mumble, the smile falling from my face, "Dammit." Well there's nothing I can do about it now. I change and brush my teeth. Right when I close my eyes to sleep, I feel my phone vibrate. Who the hell is texting me at this god awful hour? I see it's from an unknown number. I open the text and it says 'Hey Adrian, this is Brittney. I hope you don't mind that Kara gave me your number the other day and well you never asked me for my number. Anyway, just wanted to make sure you got home safely.'

I'm smiling again when I finish reading the text. Looks like I did get her number after all. I quickly reply to her, letting her know I made it home safely and wishing her a good night. A minute later she replies letting me know she had fun and hopes to see me tomorrow. I go to sleep that night with a smile on my face.

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