Chapter 13

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Sorry it took so long, but I'm finally caught up and will go back to my normal schedule.  Enjoy the chapter.

The next morning, I wake up with a major headache and the feeling of wanting to puke my guts out. I groan and try to get out of bed but can't because something is holding me down. I look down and see Brittney's head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist. I check and see that we both are clothed. I carefully and quietly get out of Brittney's hold and go to the bathroom.

I end up puking my guts out and I brush my teeth to get rid of the taste of puke. I walk out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. I notice the huge mess. This is going to take forever to clean up. I walk into the kitchen and stop in my tracks at what I'm seeing. Kara and Alyssa are in the middle of a heated make out session. "What the hell" Brittney says from behind me. Kara and Alyssa jump apart and look over at us.

"Hey love birds" Alyssa says. "Who's hungry" Kara asks, "I made breakfast." Me and Brittney look at each other and then back at Kara and Alyssa. "When did this start" I ask. "And why the hell did you not tell me" Brittney asks. Kara and Alyssa look at each other. "We should tell them" Kara says, "They did already see us." "We will tell you while you eat" Alysa says. We both grab a plate and take a seat.

"Remember how I found you trapped in the janitor closet" Kara asks. "Yes" I say, "But what does that have to do with you two getting together?" "That was they day we started talking and we became friends a few days later" Kara says, "You had told me about the whole Brittney situation. A few days later I overheard Alyssa and Brittney talking about you."

"So, after practice that day Kara pulled me tot eh side and we got to talking" Alyssa says, "That's when we discovered that Izzy had lied to both of you. He had told Brittney that Adrian didn't like her and had told Adrian that Brittney didn't know who she was." "So, then we would sabotage Izzy and Brittney's relationship" Kara said, "Hoping that someone would make a move."

"When we realized that neither of you were going to make the first move" Alyssa says, "We started brainstorming a plan to get you two together. That's when operation Britian was put into motion." "We tried multiple times to get you two to talk but nothing was working" Kara says, "Until the most recent plan worked." "Britian" I ask. "Its your ship name" Kara says. "What plan" Brittney asks.

"My part was to make you the perfect damsel in distress" Alyssa says. "My part was to make Adrian the knight in shining armor" Kara says. "What" Brittney asks. "When Kara got Adrian in place" Alyssa says, "You became the perfect catch for her." "Let me get this straight" Adrian says, "The day I helped you carry supplies for the play, and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch Brittney was a set up?" "Yes" Kara and Alyssa say.

"Again" Brittney says, "What does that have to do with you two getting together?" "Well because we spent so much time together trying to figure out how to get you two together" Alyssa says, "We started talking and hanging out." "And then one thing led to another and now we are dating" Kara says. "Oh and by the way, your welcome" Alyssa says.

"Whatever" I say. After we finish breakfast, we all start to clean my brother's apartment. Me and Brittney are cleaning the living room and talking when I hear the front door being unlocked. My head snaps up and I say, "Shit...I am in so much trouble." Hanna and Sebastian walk into the apartment. "Hey guys" I say, "Why are you home so early?" "Seb here got si-" Hanna says then gasp, "Oh my god Adrian, what happened to your face?" She walks over and starts examining my face. "Its uh...I see..." I say trying to figure out what to say.

Hanna looks around the house and sees that its trashed, "Did you throw a party?" "Uh nooo..." I say. "Adrian Ray" Hanna says, and I gulp. "It was my fault Hanna" Kara says walking over, "Please don't be too tough on Adrian." "You finish cleaning this mess up while I unpack and take Sebastian to bed then we will talk" Hanna says, "Come on babe."

A few hours later the apartment is finally clean, and we are sitting on the couch under the glare of Hanna. "I can't believe you broke the only two rules I gave you" Hanna says, "And you also got into another fight." "I'm sorry" I mumble. "I think you three should leave" Hanna says sighing, "Me and Adrian need to talk." "Good luck" Alyssa says. "See you Monday" Kara says and hugs me. "I guess I won't be seeing you for our date later" Brittney says.

"Sorry" I say. "You better make it up to me Ray" Brittney says and kisses my cheek, "Bye babe." "Bye" I say as there's a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it. My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open in shock. "Bu-but you s-s-said...wha-wha-what are you doing here" I ask. Hanna asks, "Who is that Adrian?" I open and close my mouth a few times, "That's-" "Why the hell is she here" Sebastian asks.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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