Backround check

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The ride to the hospital didn't take that long since the paramedics were being smart and decided to take the back streets to the hospital. The paramedic in the back successfully got Jungkook hooked up to the IV drip and heart monitor and managed to wipe the blood off Jimin's face and neck before they got there.

When they got to the hospital the back doors opened and two other paramedics rolled Jungkook out, Taehyung and Jimin following close behind. One of the paramedics called out "Gunshot wound" and in the mids of a minute, there were four doctors around Jungkook's stretcher.

Jimin and Taehyung were stopped at the big blue doors that lead to the operation rooms by one of the paramedics. "You're going to have to wait in the lobby" He said.

"Is he going to live?" Taehyung asked with a shaky voice.

"We're doing everything we can" The man reassured leading them to the lobby. "A doctor will call you back in a little bit to disinfect your cuts." He directed his attention to Jimin giving him a piece of paper to fill out.

"Thank you" Jimin smiled sadly sitting down pulling Taehyung into the seat next to him. The man nodded walking away leaving them alone.

"What if he's not ok? Jimin... What if he dies?" Taehyung eyes filled with tears for the third time tonight.

"I don't know Taehyung, the only thing we can do right now is wait until the doctor comes back." Jimin said rubbing soothing circles on Taehyung's back.

"We were supposed to tell Namjoon and Jin about us tomorrow" Taehyung mumbled.

"You still can" Jimin stated putting his pen down.

"But what if Jungkook doesn't wake up?" Taehyung whispered.

"Stop saying that he won't wake up because it's only making you lose hope faster." Jimin said Taehyung could hear the seriousness in his voice. Jimin stood up finishing the last question on the paper and gave it to the lady at the front counter. She smiled and nodded her head taking the clipboard and typed Jimin's information into the computer.

A few minutes later the doctor came and called Jimin to the back, Jimin turned back asking if Taehyung wanted to come aso but Taehyung shook his head no. While Jimin was in the back the doctor that was working on Jungkook came in with his clipboard.

"Is he ok?" Taehyung questioned concern written across his face.

"Yes the patient is sta-" The doctor was cut off by Taehyung pulling him into a hug, "Oh..." He patted Taehyung's back as Tae released his grip.

"Sorry, thank you" Taehyung said taking a slight bow.

"That ok but as I was saying, the bullet didn't hit any vital organs...but he will need to stay in the hospital for a week so we can keep an eye on his wound and make sure it's healing properly." The doctor said straightening his lab coat.

"Can I see him?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah he's asleep in room 343" He said pointing to a room down the hall.

Taehyung said one last thank you then took off down the hall. He opened the door loving the image that was presented to him, Jungkook looked so peaceful when he was sleeping... the only thing that would make this picture better is if he wasn't hooked up to an IV drip and heart monitor and in their bed instead of a hospital bed.

Jimin walked in a while later looking at how Taehyung was curled up on the side of Jungkook nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck. Jimin took a seat in the corner of the room occasionally looking at his phone slowly drifting off.


Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok finally pulled up to the police station. Jin walked straight to his desk and started up his computer with the others following close behind him. The first name he typed in was Daeseok's, when he pressed the search button a lot of profiles appeared on the screen.

"Hoseok you know this Daeseok guy right?" Jin asked scrolling through the profiles.

"Yeah, a little bit." Hoseok responded pulling up a chair from the desk next to Jin's.

"Do you know his last name?" Jin questioned glancing over at Hoseok.

Hoseok scratched his head thinking for a second, "No, but I do know what he looks like so I can just point him out when I see him."

They spent half an hour looking through the profiles until Hoseok jutted his finger out at the screen, "That's him, that's Daeseok!"

"Well Han Daeseok... what have you been doing in your spare time" Namjoon said as Jin clicked the profile picture. All their eyes widened reading Daeseok's track record, Daeseok had multiple counts of assault, driving under the influence, gang affiliation, possession of illegal weaponry, and child endangerment.

"He has a ₩ 320,000 fine altogether and has done 1 year jail time when he was 18 and 2 years jail time when he was 20." Jin said reading his record out loud.

"Does it show people he affiliates with?" Namjoon asked.

Jin clicked on the tap that said friends and family scanning through the many names looking for a Namsun. Hoseok was the one to point out the name while Jin clicked on it. Her track record was better than Daeseok but not clean, she had counts of gang affiliation, and possession of illegal drugs and weaponry.

"Is there an address?" Hoseok questioned.

"Hmm... last known address is xxx" Jin said putting it into google maps.

"I'll text Jimin, while you guys find the quickest route there" Hoseok said dialing Jimin's number.


Hey guys first off, did you know that snails know when they're about to die... because they can see the foot that is about to crush them but are to slow to move out the way. Those poor snails.


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Second, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WORLDWIDE HANDSOME... well late birthday (just realized the difference between Korean time and American time), and thank you for the letter, and the Eat Jin yesterday.

 well late birthday (just realized the difference between Korean time and American time), and thank you for the letter, and the Eat Jin yesterday

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It's already bad enough that this chapter was short but I also feel like it was a little rushed. And I might not update next week because I have a basketball tournament.
Well that's all for now
Biscuit out✌

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