[3] Stroke Your Little Ego.

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: : chapter 3 : :

Song of the chapter is Whistle by Flo-Rida.

To the side is Sean Walker, played by James Besteman.


The next morning, Ashley and Gabriella were en route to the dining hall for breakfast when Ashley remembered about the match that was supposed to be played that day.

"Hey Gab, wasn't that match today, the one that Zac was nearly pissing himself about?" the brunette questioned her new roommate.

"It's today alright," Gabriella replied immediately as she cracked her fingers and let out a tired sigh.

Ashley hitched her back higher on her shoulder, a grimace making its way on to her face. "I hope the guys win their match today otherwise I might as well be prepared to be hunted down and slaughtered by Zac, because he would immediately pinpoint the blame onto me and say that they lost the match because I spilled coffee on his lucky sweatshirt," she grumbled. "I've never come across anybody with an attitude as pathetic as his."

"I know where you're coming from, Ash, and it's alright; he's not that bad a person once you get to know him, you know?" Gabriella glanced at the brunette. "I don't know what is up with his attitude though. I think he hit his head somewhere hard during summer. He had attitude before that as well, but he didn't throw it around the way he does now. He better change . . ." she commented thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I guess he should," Ashley agreed.

"He'll come around, no matter what, and I am pretty sure of that.  It doesn't really matter if they win or lose today's match though, y'know? It's one of the matches before an away tournament; something like a warm-up match. They get an idea of the other team's strengths, weaknesses, strategy, you get the idea . . ." Gabriella explained to Ashley.

The brunette nodded. "Right. Still though, no matter how unimportant the match is, I don't want the guys to lose because um . . . well, I don't think anybody wants their team to lose any sort of competition?" her statement came out, sounding more like a question.

Gabriella gave Ashley a look that said she knew it all. "You just don't want Zac to go batshit crazy all over again, right?"

Ashley gawked at Gabriella. "Maybe," she admitted hesitatingly.

"He won't."

Ashley frowned. "You're probably right but seeing how hot headed he was last morning, I can't put it past him to not get pissed about whatever happened," she paused. "I don't know why, but that guy sort of scares me."

Gabriella giggled. "He scares you? Come on, he's not that bad; he just looks intimidating. Otherwise, he is pretty controlled and doesn't argue much, except when he really thinks that it is okay for him to react. He usually just ignores whatever it is that he doesn't like and moves on." She paused to think for a second. "You wouldn't want him to hate you, though; nobody does. He's not a pleasant person to be hated by," she rambled.

Ashley shrugged. "Whatever."


During breakfast, Ashley and Gabriella shared a table with Zac and Sean. Jayden had also decided to sit at their table that day and him being the comical guy, was talking about the most random and silliest of the things that he could think up of. While the others at the table were just joking around, Ashley and Zac didn't talk to each other, or even as much as look at each other. It was one hell of an awkward breakfast for the two of them.

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