Prologue ~ The Little Witch

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~ First person
~ Main Character introduction:
   • Name ~ Cora-Anne Chloe
   • Age ~ 6 (at this point, I'll clarify her age  
     each chapter x)
   • Appearance ~ Blonde, slightly wavy and 
     mid-back length hair. Deep blue, tinged
     grey eyes and rosie cheeks.  (^^Pic above)
   • Life up to this point ~ reasonably boring
      actually I mean she's six lol. I mean hahah,   she's actually lived a ordinary life, with two
      normal parents for a six year old girl in the
      21st century ;)

So I'll introduce myself too, I'm CC 👋🏻
I'm also nineteen, a girl and I'm from Australia
This is my first time posting a story so I hope you will hang in there.
Cause... there will be SMUT involved, not in the prologue obviously guys... she's six. Or are you into that?.... Hmu any sex freaks out there, or anyone who maybe wants to have a little fun ;)

But anyway,
Here we go lovelies xx

It was a day like no other...  get up at 7:30, eat breakfast, get changed, brush my teeth and then walk to school with my mum urging me every step of the way. Then proceed to have a boring as poop bum time during class, love every second of lunch. Chill with friends maybe on the way home from school, get back just in time for dinner. A normal day for a six year old Australia girl I'd say, don't you think?
After dinner with my parents and some homework ;(  I was snuggled up in bed with my teddy bear Micheal, sound asleep.
All I remember is this sudden crushing feeling inside my head while I was sleeping and loud ringing in my ears. I started tossing and turning, when suddenly  I heard two familiar
screams but I couldn't place whose they were. Then all of a sudden I couldn't see anymore, it was just pitch black out of no where. As a six year old you can imagine I freaked out...
I tried to yell out but my voice wouldn't come out, as I tried to call for help.
The screaming stopped as if to draw tension and then I saw vivid scene of two young girls laying faced down in a puddle of blood with an adult women standing above them flash before my eyes. The women looked so familiar but I couldn't make out her face. I reached for the girls but I couldn't ever reach them... I pulled and stretched then BOOF! I felt something hit my face. It was the floor.
I opened my eyes and everything had gone back to normal, the screaming had ended, I could see again and I felt like someone had let go of my brain, I was beyond relived although as a six year old I was still petrified so I snuck into my parents bed...

After the nightmare or what ever it was, my life changed for ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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