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Sunshine's POV

"Hey! Would you mind me if I join you on your table?" I startled when someone speaks beside me. And when I look up I saw this girl name Star standing beside me while in fact I was just busy thinking of her.

"Hey! Excuse me. I said would you mind if I join you on your table?" She repeated.

"Ah okay." I said a little bit nervous.

Gosh! What happened to me? Why I am nervous. Is she really affecting me this way?

"So you are Sunshine right? Did we meet before? Or last night?" She ask straight to me.

"Ah we-well I-I d-don't know. I don't remember I met someone like you before or... or last night." I said rattling

"Ah well if you don't mind may I ask where are you last night around 9-10pm? Are you happen to go to a river in Pasig?" She ask again.

Wait did she recognize me? But that Hanna texted me earlier that this girl doesn't remember anything about me.


"Why the hell do you care? Leave me alone!" She shout again and fainted.

I panicked then I saw her phone in her pocket and I get it. Luckily it doesn't have a password. I swipe and go to the contact and saw only one name in her contact list. I cant believe it. This person is really weird. First, she's walking in a highway so drunk and now she doesn't have any contact of her parent in her phone. Who will she contact in case of emergency like this. I call the only name in her contact list. But I notice she doesn't have simcard. Really? I cant believe this. This girl is so fucking weirdo. So I used my phone to call the only person in her contact list named 'hanna💖'.

It takes 5rings before she answered.

"Hello. Who is this?" A sweet angelic voice ask.

"Hi. I'm Sunshine. I'm sorry to call you this late night but it happened that I was driving motorcycle and suddenly I saw a girl walking on a highway so I slow down but then she bump in front of lmy motorcycle. At first I thought I hit her but when I smell her she smell alcohol. I think she drink too much I stop and held her up. I ask her some question like address and who is she with but she got angry and shouted and now she fainted. I don't want to leave her like this. She might got rape. Then luckily I saw her phone and I was searching for a contact of her parents or any family member but only your name and contact is in her list so I try to call you in her phone but I notice she doesn't have simcard so I use mu phone to call you. Are you Hanna? Do you know the contact of her parents or her address so I can drive her in her home." I explained

"Ah no. Where is the exact location of you right now. I will go there." Hanna ask

"Here at the riverside of Pasig." I answered.

Then she hung up. After half an hour. A black fortuner stop in front of us. Then a petite lady come out from it. She smile at me.

"Hi I'm Hanna. The one you call earlier. I am the reason why this girl cause you trouble. Sorry Sunshine, right? I am her ex girlfriend and her bestfriend also." She apologize.

"Oh I see. Its okay." I said awkwardly

"So I think we must go. Sorry again and thank you so much for not letting this girl alone. Thank you for staying with her instead of leaving her." She said sincerely

"Its my pleasure. Take care." I said smiling

Then the next morning I receive a message from unknown number.

"Good morning. Its me Hanna. I just text you to let you know that we arrive at my home safe last night. And by the way she doesn't remember you anymore, I thought you two were friends. Well anyway thank you again. Have a nice day beautiful." A text message from Hanna.

End of flashback

"Hey are you listening? Is there anything wrong? Are you okay?" Star ask looking at me confusedly and a little bit worry? Did I see it right? She is worry about me.

"Oh. Ah I w-was with my f-family celebrating my b-birthday at home l-last n-night." I answered trying to lie but I cant help to rattle.

"Oh are you sure? You're not there? You don't remember me. You don't remember someone walking drunk along the high way?" She ask desperately.

"Yeah I am so sure." I said straight now.

"But your name is Sunshine right? And my ex girlfriend told me everything that happened last night. That there is someone who save me for not being rape. And that someone is you Sunshine." She declared

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about. If you'll excuse me I need to go." I said and then walk out.

I didn't bother to hear what will she say. I just need to walk away because I cant lie anymore.

Star's POV

I am now stalking at Sunshine's facebook wall. And all I can say is its boring. Even her instagram is boring too. You wanna know how I find her facebook? She left her ID in her chair earlier after she walk out. So I decided to stalk her and get her cellphone number there. I just want to confirm to Hanna if she was the Sunshine Hanna's talking about that save me last night. And guess what? Hanna confirm that it was her. And Hanna also thinks its weird that she denied it. So I decided to make a plan. A brilliant plan that will surprise Sunshine.

Hanna's POV

"Good evening Sunshine. Its Hanna if you didn't save my number. I just wanna know if you're free tonight? Can we meet? I found your ID in my car. I guess you left it when you help me to carry my bestfriend in my car." I texted Sunshine

"Oh I was searching for that earlier. I was absent to work because I thought I lost it. Thanks God you found it. Where we are going to meet?" She replied.

I smile. I don't know but I feel my cheeks burning to red. Although I know this is just a part of Star's plan, I'm happy that I will see that beautiful lady again. Maybe I have crush on her.

"Ah is it okay if we meet at the place we first met?" I ask again in text

"Oh sure. Meet me there at 8pm. Thanks again." She replied

"Your welcome. See you." I replied.

Now I'm blushing. I'm excited to meet her. But I know I'm just a back up of my bestfriend. Star was the one who will meet her. That is our plan. No. It is Star plan. And I'm only helping her. Because in the first place I am the reason why she put in that situation.

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