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Sunshine's POV

I was shock when the waitress serve our order. The table is full of food. Did she really order a lot of food. How can she eat this lot of food while her body is thin and sexy.

"Okay lets eat. I'm so excited to taste this food again." She said full of joy in her face.

"Are you sure you can finish this lot of food?" I ask

"Of course. I love this food. This are my favorite and I miss them. Its also my stress reliever." She said happily like a child.

"Oh I see." I said

She begin to eat. She's so incredible. I cant imagine how those food fit to her intestine.

"Are you just going to stare at me for the whole night? Come on, eat, their food here is so delicious." She said

"Are you that hungry? You eat a lot and then your not finish yet." I ask

"Just eat and stop monitoring me while I'm eating." She said

And I start to eat. In fairness their food is so delicious. I love it.

"Hey Sunshine. I never thank you yet for saving my life the night that I was so drunk." She said.
"Thank you for saving my by being rape that night. Thank you for your concern. And I'm sorry for all the trouble that I cause you." She continued

I see the sincerity in her eyes and... sadness? Is she really sad? But it seems Hanna and her is okay. Their cute bestfriends.

"Its fine. Your welcome. Are you okay now?" I said with a concern voice.

"Well I'm fine." She answered

I nod. Then silence occupied the moment. When she start to ask again.

"May I know why you denied that you know me and you're the one who save me that night?" She ask in curiosity

"Ah... Hmm well I don't know what to say and what to do. I thought that would embarrass you." I said looking for answer

"Oh but what should I embarrass. What did I do that night? Can you tell me the whole story that night?" She ask again

Then I tell her the whole story that night.

"I'm so sorry. I'm depress and hopeless that night. I was so damn hurt." She explained.

Her face was full of sadness and pain. That's when I found out that she's not really okay. Maybe that's why she always annoy me. Maybe that's why she ask me to go with her to eat because she need someone to talk to. I feel something hurt in my left chest. I feel her. I remember the time that I was alone and hurt because of my family. Thankfully auntie Bianca is there for me. Suddenly a tear fell down from my eye.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you okay?" She ask concern

"Oh I'm sorry. I just remember something. And anyway its ok. I understand what you're going through." I said

"Thanks. So were friends." She said smiling now.

"Yeah" that's all I can say.

After that I drive her in Hanna's home. I don't know if they are living in or what. But I don't bother to ask. I know my limitations as a friend.


Its Friday and its my day off. I've been busy after the night I eat with Star. They've been texting me. Star and Hanna always text me in the morning and they always ask if I'm fine. They are kind. One time Hanna called but I miss it because I was sleeping. That's the disadvantage of being a call center. While I'm working everybody is asleep and when I'm sleeping everybody is awake. I'm not enjoying the sunrise and the sunlight. Actually I think I'm too pale because of my work. But I do take some vitamins.

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