A Very Witchy Wedding

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"Disgusting." Says Hester for the third time in two minutes. "Disgusting."

Dot huffs out a sigh and casts a glance over at Anadil, hoping for an ally in her exasperation, but Anadil is gazing at Hester with a faint smile on her face, apparently not annoyed in the slightest.

Dot rolls her eyes and sinks a bit deeper into the couch. She's long been accustomed to third-wheeling Hester and Anadil, and took up the role of "annoying chaperone friend who always seems to be around" many years ago, with probably far too much gusto. But Hester and Anadil are scrolling through Instagram and criticising Agatha's new boyfriend with Anadil's head in Hester's lap, with matching skull piercings, so Dot would say that they're definitely being hypocrites.

"For what it's worth," she chirps, "think they're cute."

"I don't care." Grunts Hester. "I hate him. You just think he's hot."

"Well, he is. He's a supermodel."

"He used to be. Now he does fad diets and goes to teenager's football games."

"Agatha got him to stop those diets, and he just agreed to do a shoot for Sophie." Argues Dot. Tedros is nice. Agatha says so. And Dot trusts Agatha's judgement much more than she trusts Hester's, even if Hester is her best friend.

"He used to do fad diets, what difference does it make?" demands Anadil. "He's an idiot. If she doesn't drop him soon, we'll have to intervene."

"But the twins like him!" argues Dot. Hester ignores her, scrolling with increasing ferocity, but Anadil looks surprised.

"They do?"

"Yes! Rosalind especially. I think Marcus is still a bit weird, he's been the only guy for ages. But he definitely likes him."

Anadil, who is particularly close with Marcus, narrows her eyes. Dot groans.

"You're not going to let up until you meet him, are you?"

"No." says Anadil plainly, shuffling back a bit in Hester's lap. "Not at all. And maybe not even then."

Dot looks at Hester.

"Whose account are you stalking?"


"Are you going to use his name?"


"... right."

Anadil, who has been peering at the screen, frowns a bit.

"He... does seem to like her. He takes a lot of photos of her."

"I knew it. Trophy wife." Hester growls. "Look, she cooks for him."

Dot blows out her cheeks, utterly exasperated. Even Anadil looks sceptical, shuffling to sit up.

"Hes, they're not married, and Agatha would never be a trophy wife. She's too... Agatha. Also, she's not hot enough."

"Harsh." Mutters Dot. "I think she's pretty."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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