Chapater two

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[From Mingi] are you free to meet?

Your mind is in a frenzy as you read his text over and over again. What should I say?? You think as you type and delete different responses.

[From Y/N] I'm not sure...

You jump slightly when you hear someone knocking on your door, dropping your phone before you get to send your reply. You weren't expecting anyone to visit this afternoon, so who could it be?

Placing your phone on your bedside table you stand up from your bed and head towards the front door of your apartment. As you open the door your eyes land on a nervous looking Mingi.

"Mingi? What are you doing here?" Your voice raises slightly in surprise. You really didn't expect to see him so soon, let alone on the same day.

"You were taking ages to reply and it's important we talk. I couldn't wait so I took the chance that you still lived in the same place." Mingi explains sincerely, his eyes wide with concern as to not creep you out.

"Oh- well, um... come in I guess." You fumble over your words as you step aside and hold the door open to allow him to enter.

"So... what is so important that we need to talk about?" You question, trying to fill the silence as you both sit down on your sofa.

"I miss you." Mingi sights, almost as if admitting this out loud defeated him. "And seeing you today made it clear to me that I need you back in my life. You were... are my best friend." Mingi explains, correcting himself as he finds the right words to express how he feels.

You remain silent, your mind flashing back to when you last saw Mingi. How you had been manipulated and then embarrassed and Mingi didn't believe you. Should I give him another chance? You knew the answer already, but you couldn't help but to question yourself.

"I know this is all of a sudden and I know we didn't exactly leave things on a good note but I know that I shouldn't have let what happened ruin our friendship and I regret it everyday." Mingi snaps you back into reality as he gently places his hand on your shoulder.

"I miss you too. But I don't know if we can ever go back to being how we were. The guys hate me." Your bottom lip quivers as you speak, your eyes glazing over with unshed tears as you feel as though you are back in the place you were a year ago.

"They don't hate you." Mingi comforts you, his eyes staring deeply into yours to try and get you to believe him. It was the same look he used to give you whenever he wanted to get you involved with one of his self proclaimed amazing plans, though you always ended up getting in trouble. You can't give in again.

"Of course they do. You saw Yunho's reaction to seeing me... and he is the nicest one!" You tensely shift away from Mingi, his hand falling off your shoulder and heavily landing on your knee below with a small thud. Mingi's eyes fall to look at his hand, his thumb soothingly rubbing circles on your jean covered knee under his watchful gaze.

"Please, give us a try... let me prove to you that you are wrong." Mingi's voice is barely audiable, hoarse and just above a whisper as his head lifts to look at you once again.

Seeing how much this meant to him left you with no choice but to say yes, your head slowly nodding to show your agreement even though your mind is still completely muddled.

"Thank you." A feeble smile breaks out on Mingi's face which is mimicked on yours as you both fall into a more comfortable silence.


It's been a few hours since Mingi left and you are laying across your bed once more, staring up at the ceiling as your mind runs wildly over everything that has happened.

It had been great to see him again. You fell back into your friendship quickly, joking and laughing like old times. It felt nice and comfortable. You felt genuinely happy.

You had known Mingi since you were very little, you were practically connected at the hip as children, doing everything together and getting into all sorts of trouble. That's why you found it so hard after you friendship fell apart. Obviously you didn't want it to, but it was the way it had to be... or at least you were made to believe that. It broke your heart and you spent many months desperately trying to piece it back together. Not only had you lost your best friend but also the person you cared for most in the world. You believe that everyone has someone they would do anything for in order to make sure they are happy and Mingi was yours.

You always wished for him to come back into your life but you never imagined seeing him would be so hard. That's why your mind is in shreds.

Why now? You ponder. You were just starting to move on, to feel better in yourself and now he comes back? It feels like the universe hates you. You can't dwell in your self pity for long however, your attention being diverted by your phone buzzing.

A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you heave yourself to sit up and reach out to grab your phone.

[From Unknown] I hope you haven't forgotten the promise you made (Y/N). And don't mention a word to Mingi about this.

Your eyes widen upon reading the text and you have a few ideas who this could be from. But how did he get my number?

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