drug are bad for you

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Amphetamines - Speed, Billy, Whiz, Phet

Effects - the drug makes users feel energized and excited. It also suppresses the appetite therefore people use it to help with dieting.

Problems - after effects can include mood swings, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, and low energy levels. Long term usage can cause the user to feel depressed and paranoid.

The law - Class B drug possession means up to five years prison plus a fine. Supplying means maximum 14 years imprisonment and a fine

Cannabis - Dope, Hash, Weed, Pot, Skunk, Ganga, Zoot, Spliff, Green

Effects - users feel relaxed, giggly and talkative.

Problems - can feel anxious, paranoid and forgetful.

The law - Class B drug possession means up to five years prison plus a fine supplying means maximum 14 years imprisonment and a fine

Cocaine and Crack - Coke, Charlie, White, Snow, Sniff, White Lady

Effects - users feel confident and strong.

Problems - users become dependent on the drug and find themselves running into crime and violence due to the high price of it.

The law - Class A drugs possession means up to seven years in prison and a fine supplying can mean life imprisonment and a fine


Ecstasy - E, Beans, Pills, Doves, Apples

Effects - energy, followed by calmness.

Problems - some people suffer from sickness and experience stiffening of arms and legs and in particular their jaw. Ecstasy-related deaths seem to be due to heatstroke from overheating in a club atmosphere as ecstasy can dehydrate the body, drinking too much fluid and high blood pressure.

The law - Class A drug possession means up to seven years in prison plus a fine supplying ecstasy can mean life imprisonment

Heroin - Smack, Junk, H, Brown, Gear, Skag

Effects - reduces physical and emotional pain and gives warm, drowsy feeling to allow users to forget their problems.

Problems - First time users are usually sick and it can take weeks/months to become 'hooked'. Overdosing on heroin is a major risk as street heroin is mixed with other substances. Overdose can mean falling into a coma or even death. Withdrawal symptoms can mean flu-like symptoms - sweating, shaking.

The law - Class A drug possession means up to seven years in prison plus a fine supplying can mean life imprisonment and a fine

Ketamine - Green, K, Special K, Super K

Effects - painkilling effects as well as altering perception. Low dose users might feel euphoric, and higher dose users might hallucinate.

Problems - numbness and unexpected muscle movements as well as feeling sick. Large doses can lead to unconsciousness.

The Law - Class C Drug possession can mean up to two years in prison and a fine supplying can mean 14 years imprisonment and a fine.

Khat - Qat, Quat, Chat

Effects - similar effects to Speed, more talkative and more energy, appetite supressant. 

Problems - can lead to insomnia and confusion. High use can lead to high blood pressure and heart palpitations. 

The Law - Khat is now a class C drug which means that you can go to prison for two years for possession or much longer for dealing. It will also be an offence to bring Khat into the UK from other countries. 

Magic Mushrooms - Shrooms, Mushies, Magics

Effects - hallucination can occur. It takes around half hour to take effect and can last for as long as nine hours.

Problems - picking a poisonous mushroom by mistake.

The law - Class A drug possession can mean up to seven years in prison and a fine supplying can mean life imprisonment and a fine.

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