Trust Nobody

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"Oi, I want a word with you," Danny said in a firm voice. His firmest anyway, he wasn't much of a authoritative person. He'd been walking down the street and his eyes had fixated on a small woman. She wore fake tan and had perfectly-straight, dark hair that fell just below her shoulders. The 'village idiot' he liked to refer to her as.

Danny was camp with a thick London accent. He'd come out as proudly-gay from a young age and hadn't let people like her affect him. She always liked to make a comment or two but her harsh words didn't work on him.

"Me? Sorry, I don't have time," she responded with a fake smile before gripping her teeth together. She could barely walk in the heels she wore. Danny thought it made her look permanently drunk.

"N-No! You need to listen to me. My sister was found dead last night and I want to know where you were." Danny hadn't meant for it to come out quite so abruptly, nor with so much blame. There was a theme in the town though, when anything bad happened it often led back to Vanna.

"I wouldn't go near that little worm if you paid me," she responded with a disgusted look upon her face. Alana had been gracious and introverted. Everything that the small brunette wasn't. "And I don't appreciate ya passing me the blame. I'm sure she 'ad more enemies than just me."

Vanna spoke with a northern accent. Why she was living in Wales nobody knew, but nobody cared enough about her to find out.

Danny felt as though he was going to crack so nodded her off, shouting after her as she left.

"Well...well if you hear anything. You better come and tell me." He wasn't very good at threats. Danny was usually the cheery one of the family, always cracking a joke at every opportunity. He was sensitive too, surprised he hadn't drowned in his own tears already. It seemed like Cassandra was crying enough for all of them. He supposed they were the only two who were actually related, but Danny counted them both as his real siblings.

Danny had paused on the spot for a moment whilst his eyes moved onto another passing resident, a face that looked familiar.

"Alright?" he shouted over, just to be friendly.

"Y-Yeah. Why? Why wouldn't I be?" the man shouted back, perhaps a little suspiciously. His Irish tone really clashed with Danny's own voice. Danny had been born in London but the Reyes family had adopted him at the age of five and brought him to Wales.

"I didn't... Nevermind. Have a good day, yeah?"

"Yeah. You too." The other man looked towards Danny with confusion. He didn't know why. People around here were usually more friendly than that; usually happy to chat in the streets. The man's name was Dean, Dean O'Brien. He was the estranged brother of Niamh, but Danny didn't know that.

Shaking his head with confusion, Danny walked back to his house and stepped inside. He was in the doorway when his eyes noticed a third passer-by. This time it was someone of more interest.

After a moment or two of shock, he spoke to her.

"Are yer coming in?" he questioned the woman, hoping she'd respond with at least a nod.

"Actually I was just heading to pick Maddie up." Ana had wanted to pass by to spy on her family to see if she could get an idea of how they were doing without having to knock on the door.

Frowning, the woman stepped closer to her brother. She feared going closer to the house. Not only were her family in there - the family she hadn't seen in so long - but the building alone reminded her of Alana.

"You should be here. We need you here, Ana!" Danny had always been the sibling the curly-haired woman had got along with the best. She valued how simple things were around him, how he forgave so easily.

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