Laila (the abused girlfriend)

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Name: "you don't remember? That's not funny Y/N."

Age: "please, this isn't funny."

Gender: "y/n are you sick?"

Species: "I'm calling a doctor."
Human (as far as she knows. Is subject to change in the rp)

Sexuality: bisexual


About 5'4

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About 5'4. Not too tall, not too short.

Backstory: Laila was born to a moderatly happy family. A married husband and wife in the middle class. She also had an older brother named James. She was raised to be kind, a good person. She was so happy.

One day there was an accident. Laila was eight, her brother eleven. A drunk driver swerved out of his lane and hit her families car while all four were in it. Their car went off the road. Laila doesn't remember more than the initial hit.

She woke up in a hospital. Her arm was broken and a rib fractured. She had lots of scrapes and bruises as the windows in the car broke, but she was alive. Both parents were as well. The same couldn't be said for James. The drunk driver had hit the rear half of the car on her brothers side. He died in the crash. The drunk driver who hit them was never found.

Lailas mother tried her best to keep raising their daughter. Her father wasnt around as often but still came home and cared for them. Two years life went on like that.

Laila came home from school when she was twelve to find her mother dead on the kitchen floor. 'im sorry, i can't pretend anymore.' a note beside her said.

That pushed Lailas father past his breaking point. He started drinking heavily. He worked and provided money and food for Laila but he was never home. On the rare night she saw him he was either drunk or simply numb.

When Laila was fifteen he left one day and just never came back. She had enough money in her bank account to survive on her own. To keep the house another few years and such. But she was so desperate to be loved.

In high school she fell in love with a man/woman she believed to be perfect. How could she ever deserve them?

Too soon they realized that and became abusive but Laila was too in love to care. She believed they hurt her because she's not good enough. Its all her fault.

Laila is very sweet and helpful. She does all she can to make others happy, putting herself last. She doesn't like to open up or show negative emotions for fear of scaring people away again. She doubts herself a lot but not vocally. She's not easily worried. She is deeply in love with her abusive partner.


Laila likes a lot of things.
She likes nature, music, time spent together.
She likes her partner, of course.
She also likes animals.

Doing things wrong.
Her partner hurting her (though it's always her fault.)
Being alone.
Being reminded of her family.

Scenario 1: You are Laila's abusive partner. Why? That's for you to
To decide.

You come home from work/school one day to your shared house to find a meal made for you. Your favorite dessert was also on the table and a gift.

Today is your anniversary, but you forgot. "Welcome back!" Laila hugged you happily before picking up the gift and offering it to you.

"Ready to celebrate? I got us movie tickets as well for later."

You didn't have anything for her. Do you even care today is special? What do you do?

Scenario 2: you are lailas best friend and right now her only friend. You don't know why she pushed everyone away. You know Laila is being hurt. You can decide if you know it's her boyfriend or not.

Today is Lailas birthday. She said she didn't want to celebrate but you got her a gift and walked to her house to surprise her anyways.

You got there in time to see her boyfriend storming out looking angry then drive away. He left the door open.

You walked into the house to see Laila on the floor unconcious. Her arm was twisted in a funny angle. She wasn't responding so you decided to call an ambulance.

Thats where you are now as Laila is begining to wake. Laila slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the bright light though she was on pain medication and wouldn't feel her injuries. "Y/n?" She asked as she saw you. What do you say?

Scenario 3: feel free to make up something new. Comment the scenario that you'd like. If I agree I'll reply. If I have an issue with it, I'll tell you what it is and we'll discuss it.

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