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As the street lights start to get fewer by the minute, my stomach starts to get uneasy. Even though it was my choice to get in the car. Right? I'm regretting it more and more every second I sit here in silence.

"Can I ask where we're going?" I say as I look over to Logan who turns to me and smirks for a split second before turning back to the road.

"Don't worry about it" he says coolly and my stomach gets even more uneasy by the tone in his voice.

"I'd like to at least know where we're going" I say and he doesn't say anything. "Please" I add, but he doesn't seem phased by my plead.

"Listen, I don't actually want anything to do with you" he says nonchalantly, and even though I shouldn't care, it kind of hurt to hear someone say that.

"Then why am I here?" I ask with more of an attitude than I intended. He sighs before grabbing my chin and forcefully turning it from the window to look at him.

"Don't talk again until I say so" he says, with growing irritation in his voice before returning his hand to the steering wheel.

We ride the rest of the way in silence. I don't know how long we've been in the car, it seems like forever with just the radio barely on in the background. There aren't any more lights scattering the roadside, only his headlights show us the road directly in front.

When he pulls off the main road and onto more of a path in the grass, made solely from others driving on it, my stomach starts turning again. I want to ask what we're doing, why I'm here, to tell him I want to go back home; but my mouth won't open to say the words. When we reach a more open spot, he parks the car and climbs out, leaving it running so the lights shine ahead. My door opens and he gestured for me to get out, so I do and follow him a few feet ahead of the car.

"Go ahead and sit" he says, pointing to the ground. I look at him confused before sitting. I'm only wearing jeans and a T-shirt since I hadn't planned on leaving the house. The ground is cold, but not as harsh as the wind coming through. After he's gone to the car for a few minutes, he returns with a rope and what looks like a knife. My face must have shown the fear because he laughs slightly before laying them next to me.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" he says and sits down next to me. "Unless I need to" he shrugs and looks back to the car without saying anything. I'm more than confused right now, even more confused as to why I'm not able to ask what's going on. So instead I tap his shoulder, and when he turns to face me I wave my hands slightly in a what the hell am I doing here gesture. He turns to face me and sighs.

"We're just waiting now" he says, and I give him a for what look. "You'll see" he adds. "They'll be here any minute. They wouldn't trust me alone with you for a second. As the shouldn't" he says like it all makes sense. What is that supposed to mean? Who is they? Why shouldn't they trust him? I'm getting more and more cold by the second, starting to shiver, I rub my arms to try and warm them. My toes starting to go numb from the wind.

After a few minutes, that seems like a life time, another car pulls up next to his and two people get out. I can't see who it is until they walk to the front of the car and into the lights. Jasmine and Amanda! I stand up quickly to run to them but I'm yanked back to the ground by Logan.

"Stay sitting down" he demands and gets up to meet the two girls.

"Keep your hands off of her Logan" Jasmine says sternly as they approach each other.

"I should have known you were up to no good when you were being nice, your never nice" Amanda says.

"What do you mean, I can be nice" Logan smiles, a wicked smile at that, and crosses his arms. "She's not dead yet is she?" He says and my heart stops for a second. Excuse me?

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