Day #2

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Two Turtle Doves

    Holly Ivy wrestled her hairbrush out of her younger sisters hand. "Let go!" She screamed, yanking it out. Mary Ivy fell back and tears filled her eyes. Holly turned away, running the brush though her hair. Mary ran out, probably to their mom, and sure enough, Carol Ivy walked in, folding her arms. "Holly."
     Holly sighed. "She stole it from me." She said, unconvincing.
Carol sighed. "I know the move was hard, Holly, but you need to accept your here now and it's not changing."
    "What's not changing? The fact that Dads dead and never coming back? The fact that we live in the middle of nowhere?" Holly snapped. "I'm sick of everyone telling me the worlds just dandy and the pain will go away! This was Dad's holiday and I'll never celebrate it with him again."
     Carol brushed tears away. "I'm taking Mary into town. You can join us or go do something else out of the house." She said.
     "I'll find something to do in town." Holly muttered.
"Thank you," Carol said, kissing Holly's head. "We leave in 10 minutes."
      Holly nodded and Carol walked out. Holly reached under the desk and pulled out a photo album. Inside sat pictures of her and her dad, Jacob Ivy, during Christmas. For 15 years, they had all celebrated Christmas as a family. But this year, they were alone. Jacob had crashed in the summer back in South Carolina, prompting Carol to move here, to CandyCane Drive in a town named Noel, where a new job had opened up. Closing the album, Holly figured her necklace then joined her sister and mom at the door. The drive into town wasn't long and Holly watched the trees and lights flash past. Carol pulled into town parking and the two girls stepped out. "Okay. Holly, you can wander around for awhile, but met us back here in one hour. Mary, we're going to look for a tree." Carol said.
     Holly nodded and walked off, towards a store with garland decorating the outside. Stepping in, Holly breathed in the smell of animals and heard the sound of chirping. This was a bird store. Holly stepped over to a chickadee cage and unlocked it. The bird hopped into her hand and Holly pulled out a sunflower seed. The small bird pecked at it before picking it up and flew back into its cage, before eating it. Holly latched the cage and herd the sounds of cooing. Walking deeper, Holly found two doves inside a cage. A tag was tied to the cage and Holly read it.
"Two Turtle Doves for 12 Day Lane. Delivery by Dec 7."
     Holly looked at the doves. "Turtle doves? Like the song?" She asked.
"Indeed," a voice replied. Holly spun to see a older woman walk over. "These are Turtle and Dove. They're excited to see their new master. I'm Lora, the owner of this shop."
    "Holly Ivy. I'm new in town." Holly said, relaxing. This woman made her relax.
Lora shook her head. "You would have fooled me. With a name like Ivy, you could be a local," She shuffled around the cage and took it down. "Do you know where Day Lane is? This need to be delivered today and all my delivers are out sick."
    "I'm sure I can help," Holly said, taking the cage. "Its the street with all the big houses, right?"
"Right as snow, child." Lora replied. "Please hurry. I've never been late before."
     "I'll be quick." Holly said, walking to the door. The chickadee twittered and Holly waved goodbye to it. She hurried up the street and found herself right on Day Lane. "Alright. Number 12." She said, stepping onto the sidewalk.
   Turtle and Dove cooed and Holly looked up to see 12 Day Lane right in front of her. "Wow." She gasped. It was a mansion! Tall while pillars stood beside the doors and the paint was a bright red. Holly walked up the the door and knocked twice. A man opened the door, his white hair combed neatly and his hand clasped on a carved walking stick. "Hello." He said. "Who might you be?"
    "My name is Holly Ivy," Holly said. "And these are Turtle and Dove, from the bird store on Main Street. They're addressed to this house."
      "Come in Holly. My name is John Winnter and these were my order," He ushered her to a fire and Holly felt the warmth spread though her. "So," John said. "Your new in town?"
   Holly nodded. "How'd you know sir?" She asked, seeing a pear tree sitting in the corner.
John placed a finger beside his nose. "A little bird told me." Holly ducked as a bird flew in, landing on John's hand.
    "This is Pear, the Partridge." John said.  "He might be a bit of a twitter bird sometimes."
Turtle and Dove cooed and Pear cheeped. Holly opened the cage, letting the two fly around.
   John clapped, his mouth stretched into a grin. "You'd better get to your mother soon. Your hour's almost up."
Holly looked at the grandfather clock. It read 3:25. Carol was probably wondering where Holly was. Standing up, Holly held out a hand. "Thank you for your time, sir." She said. John shook her hand. "It was a pleasure, Holly. Please bring your family over sometime."

Holly walked towards her mom, who had a worried expression. "Holly! I thought you'd wandered off!" Carol exclaimed. "I was so worried. Its not just you who misses your dad, honey. I miss him too and I can't bear to lose you. Your father wanted you to lead the family's Christmas this year and I can't think of what I'd do if I lost you-Oh!"
Holly hugged her mom, stopping her sentence. "I love you mom." She whispered. Mary peered out from behind Carol and Holly hugged her as well. Her heart still needed to heal, but the best place to do that was at home.


Rachel sat down on the stone bench outside of the Bird Store and a small chickadee flew down onto her hand. Rachel rubbed its small head and handed it a sunflower seed. "Guest number 2," Rachel said, watching the car drive away. "10 left."

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