Harry Styles: Photography

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               "What are you doing today?" (Y/F/N) asked smirking. "Working on that photo thing with Harry?" She said her eyes glinting. "Shut up" I mutter blushing. "Hows it coming along so far?" She wondered. "Good, he's easy to work with" I say shrugging. "God he is so hot...I wish he was my partner" She sighed happily. "I really dont want to imagine what you think about" I looked at my phone. I saw a text from Harry. 'Hey, I'm set up, we still need a few shots before we can put it together' I put my phone in my purse and stood up. "Aww your leaving me?" (Y/F/N) whined. "The project is due on Tuseday (Y/F/N)" I say rolling my eyes. "Mmmhmm excuse to go see him?" Ugh she is impossible. "Whatever, I will see you later" I say......................'Where am I meeting you?' I texted him as I hopped on the subway. 'My flat, we will continue in the basement? That alright love?' I blushed as he called me love...he always did that to all the girls in school probably to wrap us around his finger and god it was working...He was so handsome and sweet...his charm literally worked on everyone.

                     I knocked on Harry's door softly, half hoping he wouldn't answer. We have been doing this project for almost a month, trying to make it perfect. Our theme.....'romance' because what else would it be? Because our teacher couldn't have picked like something that didn't involve me getting half naked infront of Harry? Sure I didn't really care because like...I'm not ugly and Harry didn't make a big deal of it and was taking it seriously.... a couple seconds later I was taken from my daze by Harry opening the door. "Hey (Y/N), come in" He smiled widely. "So what are we doing today?" I wonder when I walk in. "Well, we only have like 50 shots, we need at least a hundred" He says walking into the kitchen. "What time can you stay until?" He asked handing me a pepsi. "Well, I guess it doesn't really matter" I say shrugging. "Midnight?" He wondered. "I have energy drinks to keep us up" He says chuckling a bit. "Sure, I have nothing better to do" I mutter. "We also need some shots together remember" He added. "Need to make it seem actually realistic" He smiled again. "Yeah I know" I say. "Of course we get 'romantic'" I rolled my eyes to myself. "I think he did that because I am a very attractive person and who ever I ended up partnered with would like it" He said cockily. Yes you are, I thought to myself. "Well, its not like I care its just, I think he did it on purpose" I say. "Probably, but come on, I am pretty popular, you should be happy" He says poking me.

                      "Can I see that shots we have so far?" I ask as we walk into the basement. The walls completely white and it looked like every photographers dream. "Sure" He pulled me towards a table. "The theme-" I cut him off. "Like a beach romantic kind of thing?" I ask as I looked in the backround of the photos. "Yeah....I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away" He said. "Its fine Harry, I like it....its....sweet" I say smiling a bit. "Good" He nodded. "Well do you want to finish your shots first?" He asked. "Sure...." I say. "You can borrow my sisters bikini, she wont mind" He shrugged. "I'll be right back" He said running up stairs. God he was so hot, he needs to stop. I looked at our shots, we still needed to do his shots because he wanted to mine and a couple of us together. I really wanted to see him shirtless. "Here" I heard Harry say behind me. "It should fit" He shrugged. I nodded and walked to the other side of the basement making sure I was out of site so I could change..........After changing I walked back into site to see Harry setting up the camera. "Does it fit?" He asked. "Its a little snug, but yeah its fine" I say. "Okay" He nodded. "Well lets get started" He smiled and took a swig of his pepsi.

                  "Here" He pulled of his sun glasses and threw them to me. "Put them on" He chuckled. I placed them over my eyes. "You look cute" He said snapping a picture. "But" He walked up to me and looked at me for a moment. "In my opinion, your hair is so much better down" He tugged my pony tail out of my hair and let my brown hair flow down my shoulders to about mid-chest. He ran his hands threw my hair a couple times peering into my eyes through his glasses. "There" He took my chin in his hand playing with my hair for a moment. "Hmmm" He smiled. "Nice" He took another picture. "Now smile" I obeyed and let him take another shot. "Very nice" He looked at the pictures. "You could be a model you know" He smiled at me charmingly. Fuck that charm, literally. "Thanks" I say blushing brightly. "Now we have to get some of my shots" He winked at me and took the glasses from my face, brushing my cheek lightly as he did so. "Finally" I breathed. "Pardon?" He asked, I shook my head. "Nothing..." I say quickly. "Oh okay" He took off his hat and pulled his shirt above his head.....fuck.me.please. He was so toned and his tattoos were beautiful. Holy crap he is so flipping hot.. "Love..your gonna catch flies" He says smirking, I realized he caught me starring and blushed really red. "Dont worry I get it all the time" He says smiling.

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