Zayn Malik: Gaming

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 "Zayn! I made dinner!" I yelled up the stairs. "One second!" He yelled for about the millionth time. "You said that like 50 times already!" I climbed up the stairs towards our room. "I'm busy!" He called put. "Playing video games is not being busy" I mutter to myself as I peek in the door, he was sitting on the bed cross legged playing some random violent video game. "Zayn" I whined. "What?" He mocked my tone of voice. "Your sitting up here playing video games, come down stairs for a bit" I walked up to him and stood in front of him. "Come on" I say poking his chest. "Babe, I will come down later" He said trying to look at the screen. "You said that like 3 hours ago!" I pouted crossing my arms. "I promise I will in ten minutes" He says smiling at me. "Yeah right! Ugh boys and games I swear" I mumble to myself. "(Y/N), I'm almost done this level, when I do I will come eat dinner" He says, I rolled my eyes. "Do you care more about some stupid game than your girlfriend?" I ask. "Dont say that about my baby!" He said playfully and grabbing me by the waist and pulling me onto the bed in his lap. "Of course I care about you more love" He kissed my cheek. "But video games aren't bad either" He chuckled. "They are violent and time consuming, you could be doing something better" I point out. "Hmmm let me show you how to play, you will love it" He says excitedly.

 "I highly doubt I'm going to love this" I say as Zayn wraps his arms around my waist with his controller in his hands. "You love me though" He said smiling. "Of course I do" I say watching as Zayn shot people on a screen. "I swear video games encourage murder" I mumbled to myself. "They teach.....skill, not murder" Zayn pointed out in a serious tone. "Thats something a murderer would say!" I say. "I think I am kind of the opposite of a killer" He poked my stomach. "Now, I am going to teach you the art of gaming" He placed my hands on the controller and then his hands ontop of mine, a very cheesy scene in my mind. "Are you now encourageing me to kill things on a screen?" I wonder, looking at him. "Whatever you want it to be darling" He shrugged. "Now press the 'A' button on the controller" He instructed, I looked down and found it with my fingers quickly and pressed it. "You missed, you need to look while you do it, it will be more accurate" He quickly aimed and shot an enemy on the tv. "Its actually pretty easy" He shrugged. "Thats because you spend all your time playing" I mumble and try again, missing literally by an inch. "Ugh" I say frustrated. "You have tried twice darling, your not gonna be perfect" He kissed my cheek and shot the second person to pop up. "I literally have no patience for games" I say trying to shoot again, still missing. "You'll get it" He assured.

 *at least like 2 hours later* "See baby, you got it" Zayn said in a proud tone. "It doesn't mean I like it" I say seriously. "Yeah right its been like an hour and half" He pointed out. "Really? It feels like its bee like ten minutes!" I looked at the clock, holy crap! "Time flies when you like something, and get into it" He took the controller from my grasp and threw it to the side. "So are you going to admit you like it?" Zayn asked playfully and shifting my body so I stradled him. "Never" I did the motion of sealing my lips. "I knew you liked it!" He tickled me playfully and kissed my nose. "I didn't say anything" I say looking away from him. "Hmmm, lets do this.....wanna play a verses battle with me? And if I win you do whatever I want" He says seductively. "And if I win?" I ask raising my eyebrows, smirking slightly. "Hmmm, you can do whatever you like" He smiled pressing a kiss to my lips. "Well, a chance to beat you and get whatever I want? on!" I say happily. " wont beat me" He says cockily. "Well I guess we will just have to see I guess" I smiled back at him and moved to sit next to him, taking the extra controller he had for his game system. "I'll take it easy on you" Zayn said pressing 'battle' on the screen.

It was safe to say, I sucked. I was loosing big time and when Zayn said he would take it easy on me, yeah didn't happen! "Zayn!" I whined, not wanting to give into him. "Give up?" He smirked slightly. "No way!" I say quickly. "Go easier" I begged. "So I guess I win then? Can't handle it?" He said glancing at me. "I'm not as good as you are though!" I whine. "Of course your not, so I win?" He paused the game. "Just because your better doesn't mean you win" I point out. "The day I found you, I won" He brushed my cheek. I blushed at his cute compliment. "Shut up..." I aay blushing. "I'm not going to admit you won!" I crosses my arms. "But I am better and clearly I am winning" He point out. "So" Zayn smirked and pinned my arms to the bed. "Face it love....I win" He kissed my neck softly. "N-No you dont" I suppressed a moan as he found my sweet spot just under my ear. "Are you sure?" Zayn asked trailing his hands down my spine. "Yes, you dont w-" I was cut off when he gently ran his hands over my breasts and squeezed. "Hmmm, I think I'm winning" Zayn smirked as he bit softly on my neck. "Noooo!" I say moving my position so I was on top now. "I win" I grinded against him slightly, making him flinch. "Hmm your a little tease" I smirked down at him. "How about....we both win?" He asked smiling. "No way"

"I think we both won..." Zayn smirked as he trailed his fingers across my stomach. "You think Im giving in the easily?" I ask, grinding against him harder. "You know (Y/N), your not the only one who knows how to tease" He quickly rolled me off him and pinned me again. "I have my ways as well, would you like to see them....or admit I win" He smirked while pulling my shirt above my head. "Nope" I shook my head. "Alright then babe" He held my arms down tightly and moved his head down to my bra, leaving soft kisses around the skin just above the fabric. "I'm not giving in I hope you know that" I point out, trying to wiggle free of his grip. "Hmmm, okay...." He whispered and sucking on the exposed skin delicately. "If you admit I win.....I will make it worth it" He grinded his hips into mine roughly as he bit my soft spot on my neck. "Never" He grinded down harder, making me groan at the lack of friction with him but I am not admitting he beat me. "I guess I will just have to tease you then" He brought one of his hands to my shorts and rubbed over them softly. I bit my lip tightly at his touch. "I can feel you getting hot....just give into me and I can please you all night...." He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down to my ankles. "You....wish" I struggled again in his hand holding both of mine.

"Your so stubborn baby" Zayn whined. "Mm, but I know your dying inside for me to please you" He gently circled my clit with his fingers, making me move my hips slightly for more. "I know you want me babe......god I want to make you scream my name in pleasure" He whispered sticking a finger into me once then pulling out. I moaned ar the contact, wanting more. "Do you give in now?" He asked smirking at me. I stayed silent trying not to focus on the aching need inside me. "I know you do, I know your dying for me to fuck you" I bit my lip and glanced at him. "Do you want me?" He asked smirking. "A lot" I mumble, "Then beg me, and I will please you" He circled my clit again, making cry out in pleasure as I began to get sensitive. "How about.....we both just fucking fuck me" Zayn smirked again. "Nah ah baby girl, you gotta beg if you want me" I groaned slightly and moved my hips towards him. "Zayn...." I whined slightly. "Please....." I begged. "Please what?" He asked teasinly. "Fuck you" I mumble. "I think you mean.....fuck me" He chuckled and keot moving his fingers and small circles.

 "Are you ready darling?" He smirked slightly. "Stop fucking talking and pleasure me already!" I moan. "Eager" He chuckled and harshly pushed himself into me, both of us moaning in pleasure. "Finally" I breath wrapping my arms around him. "Took you fucking long enough" I say kissing him roughly as he rocked his hips into mine at a fast pace, the sound of skin slapping and the bed hitting the wall, filling the air. "At least I won" Zayn said playfully and going faster, making me moan and dig my nails into his shoulders. I arched my back towards Zayns body moving my hips with his as well. "Fuck, you are so beautiful" Zayn moaned Into my ear. He brought his hand between us and rubbed my clit quickly and going even faster, the room filling with moans and profanities from the both of us. "Zayn..." I dug my nails deeper into him as I felt my climax coming, he continued using his fingers feverishly on my clit while he slowed his pace slightly and went deeper, hitting my g-spot perfectly. "Fuck!" I bit my lip tightly and came, a few minutes later so di Zayn........"Wanna play again?" Zayn asked cheekily and pulled me into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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