It All Started With A Dream

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Elizabeth's POV

  I can't believe this is happening me walking a red carpet alongside Angelina Jolie. It makes sense because she and I have been filming a movie together for the past six months. The movie is about a mother looking for her daughter that she gave up for adoption years ago. The movie is definitely a love story. 

  While I was stopping to get my picture taken Angelina stood next to me with her hand in mine. I smiled up at her. She smiles then kisses my cheek. She whispers to me "we make an amazing team." I nodded my head and kept smiling at the cameras.  Before I continued walking the red carpet I heard a loud alarm start blaring. I looked around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. I looked up at Angelina and she told me "it's time to wake up Elizabeth. You need to get up for work." I looked at her confused and realized that this was a dream.

  I started rubbing my eyes and soon found myself waking up in the real world. I groaned and reached over to turn off my alarm clock. That dream seemed so real like it was actually happening. Shaking my head I got up from my bed and started getting ready for the day.
While getting ready I turned on my Spotify and started listening to The Pussycat Dolls. They are my favorite girl group ever. The first song that started to play is When I Grow Up. This is the song that helps me keep my dreams and wishes in mind so I never forget them. Without even realizing I was doing the choreography and singing. I think to myself "I've watched that music video too many times." I mentally laugh at myself and keep getting ready.

" I mentally laugh at myself and keep getting ready

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(Elizabeth's car ^)

  After about an hour of goofing around and getting changed, I'm finally ready for work. I quickly run downstairs and out the door. My parents already left for work so I don't have to worry them about stopping me this morning.  Getting into my car I plug in my phone and keep listening to PCD until I get to work. I make a quick stop at Starbucks to get me a Peppermint Mocha since it's wintertime and it's one of my favorite drinks. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I work at a book store for half the day then I work at a toy store for the rest. 

  Twenty minutes later I pull up outside my first job. I get out of the car and immediately cover my face with my scarf because it's freezing outside. Once I'm inside the bookstore I uncover my face and head to the back to put my stuff in my locker. Thank God my boss put the heater on. I stick my purse and jacket inside my locker then head back to the front desk. 

  As I'm sitting down my boss comes up to me. "Good morning Elizabeth. Today there isn't much to do. Just put those books back on the shelves and recheck in the books that were returned." I just nod my head and start getting to work. While I'm putting the books back I hear the little bell above the front door ring. As I was putting the last couple of books away I said: "I'll be with you in just a moment." The person responds with a simple "ok." I roll the cart back to the front desk and realize I've never seen this boy before.

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