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Previously in Secretly a Jolie...

"If you do decide to move in with us this could be your room since it seems to fit your style the best." I set my bed down on the bed and walked over and stood next to her. "I love it. Thank You so much and your right this does fit my style but my style is like yours if you think about it." "Yeah, your right your style is just like mine." We both giggle as I head over to my bag and pull out some pajamas. 


Narrator's POV

 The time was currently midnight and all residents of the Jolie and Pitt mansion were sound asleep in their beds. Darkness overtook the inside of the mansion making it physically impossible to see. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop but that silence was about to be interrupted with a nightmare. Elizabeth has had nightmares before but none like the one she is gonna experience tonight...

Elizabeth's POV

   As soon as darkness took over my sight I was put back into the same dream where Angelina told me to come and find her.  "Elizabeth sweetie wake up." I groan and cover my head with my blanket. "Five more minutes." After saying that I feel all of my covers getting pulled off of me. Whoever pulled them off was definitely faster than me. I groan again and open my eyes to be met by Angelina. I quickly rubbed my eyes. She giggles. "What are you doing sweetie we are going to be late for our photoshoot." I looked at her confused. "I'll be downstairs waiting for you." I nod my head and quickly get up and changed into some skinny jeans and a Gwen Stefani shirt. I grab my purse and run downstairs.

  Before I could fully get downstairs I heard people talking. "You can't take her from me. I just got her back." I continue walking downstairs and see Brad holding Angelina and a man in a suit standing by the front door. He looks at me and says "Come on Elizabeth your mother isn't stable enough to take care f you." I look and him and run over to Angelina and Brad. I hold onto Angelina like my life depends on it.

  Angelina holds onto me just as tight afraid that I might slip from her fingers. Before the man at the door could say anything everything went black. I woke up to find myself inside of a cage. Reaching out I grab the bars and stand up. I feel something cold on my ankles. Looking down I see shackles attached to each ankle. As I'm trying to get them off I hear a man start laughing. I quickly look up and see a man standing in front of my cage.

 "Don't even try sweetheart those things aren't easy to get off. Why don't you sit back down and enjoy the show?" I look at him confused. "What do you mean by "enjoy" the show?" "Oh, my dear do you not know who I am?" "NO! I have no idea who you are or where I am!" He looks at me and starts laughing again. "Sweet sweet Lizzie I'm your father." I looked at him with a shocked mixed with a scared look. 

  "Oh and the show is me taking away everything you and your mom love most." He flicks a light switch and all the lights come on. I look around and see we are in a warehouse. I watch as he goes over to some sheets and pulls on them revealing two more cages. Inside one of them was my mom and inside the other was the kids and Brad. I look over at my mom's cage and saw that she wasn't awake. "MOM!" I yell at the top of my lungs. 

  She slowly got up and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on me. She turns he attention to my so-called dad who is walking towards her cage. "Jonny this is between you and me. Leave Brad and my kids out of this." "How about no. I'm gonna take away everyone you've ever loved starting with those little brats of yours." As he starts walking away from Angelina she says"If you touch my kids or even hurt my kids you're dead!" 

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