Break Up | Sammy

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You two are fighting about how your mom doesn't like the fact that you're going to DigiTour because she thinks God has a different plan for you. You decide to listen to her but you're upset that your mom doesn't support what you love. You're at your apartment.

"I think you should leave." You barely whisper while looking down at the ground. The dim light and rain outside makes the situation seem even more dramatic than it is. Sammy stands around ten metres away from me.

"Seriously?" He laughs but not in a funny way. "Seriously, you're going to ask me to leave? You do this all the time, Y/N."

"Well if you didn't piss me off so much I wouldn't have to ask!" You retort back. "Can you go?"

"Y/N-" he says a little more subtle.

"Leave!" You cut him off. He knows that if he talks to you like that it'll make you feel sorry for him and let him stay. But you don't want that to happen this time and it's hurting you inside.

There's a moment of silence where he's just standing there looking at you either trying to see if you're serious or trying to understand why. He nods his head and gulps.

"Okay." He gives in and starts walking backwards to the door. "Fine. But once I'm out that door I'm not coming back!"

"Good! I don't want you to come back!" You say even though you don't mean it. His mouth has turned into a scowl and you can tell he's grinding his teeth.

"You know what? You need to start looking around at what you have. You have the Jacks, you have Andrea, you have your fans- you have me!" He's so angry right now.

"I know I do!" You reply. Usually you're so innocent but being with Sammy has made you stronger.

"Then why are you sitting around here crying that your mom won't let you do what you want? You're 18, Y/N. She should be happy that you're happy!" He exclaims.

All this yelling is getting really overwhelming and you know e thinks of your mom in a bad way.

"Shut up! Just- get out!" You shout not wanting to associate with him anymore. He doesn't leave and you're getting more angry. You grab a cushion off the sofa and throw it at him. "Get out!"

"If I leave right now - listen to me - if I leave right now that's it." He explains carefully as you walk around. "We're over. We're breaking up. Done... do you still want me to go."

Tears roll down your face and you turn around while running a hand through your hair. Your breathing is shaky.

"Do you still want me to go." He repeats slower but more forceful. You don't answer because you're scared of what you're going to say. You hear a sad laugh from him as if he can't believe what's happening. "Wow, Y/N. Wow."

That's the last thing you hear from him after the door slams shut. You can hear him punch a wall, someone yell and all you do is sit right where you are and cry into a cushion.

Next thing you hear is your roommate come in and see you on the sofa.

A/N: I don't even know what this is lol

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