Surprise Date Night - Part 28

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"Okay, so should we do a surprise shower or no?" Gemma asked Harry as they were out to lunch.

"I don't know, " he said. "Y/N's not the biggest on attention, so I feel like a surprise shower would be a little much. We don't want her giving birth the day of the shower."

"That's true," she nodded. "Do you think she'd want to help plan it?"

"Possibly," he nodded. "If anything, you could see if she has any ideas or wants."

"Have you two talked about having a baby shower?" She asked.

"The only thing we really discussed was that we'd want people to bring gifts for us to donate. She still wants to do a registry to get the experience, but we can obviously more than afford everything we need, so we'd rather everything go to those who can't," he said.

"You two really have hearts of gold," she joked.

"We try," he smirked. "But honestly, thank you for this. I know she's going to love it and with her parents not here or any other good friends, it'll be fun for her."

"It's the least I can do," she said. "I know, I know everyone was a bit harsh in the beginning, but she's my sister now and carrying my nieces or nephews, so I want this to be special for her."

Harry smiled, "Thanks again. It really means a lot to me seeing you two get along."

"Me too," she smiled. "And I couldn't be happier to see you so happy. She really does bring out something in you I've never seen before."

"I really love her, " he smiled putting his fork down. "I never thought I'd find this, but now that I have, I never want to lose it."

"And how are you feeling about being a father?" She asked.

"I'm excited, but nervous as hell. I've been around kids before. I am Godfather... but being a father and holding my own children... scares the living shit out of me," he sighed.

"Not that I have any experience, but I feel like that normal with the first kid," she said. "And you've got two coming. But you're going to be an amazing father, Harry. I've got no doubt."

"I really hope you're right," he said.

"Well, even if you're not they've got the best Grandma to help," she smiled.

"Yeah, they do," he smiled. "And I'm going to tell her you called her Grandma already."

"Don't you fucking dare!" She laughed.

He laughed taking a sip of his drink, "But even though I'm bloody terrified, I honestly, can't wait to hold and meet my babies."

Gemma smiled, "Me either," she said. "Are you two going to find out the sex of the babies?"

"We talked about it briefly," he said. "But we haven't really said for sure."

"Well, I'm sure you two will figure out what you want to do soon," she said. "And just let me know, in case I want to do some things for the shower."

"You'll know, when I know," he laughed.

"Perfect," she smiled.


When Harry got home from his lunch with Gemma, he walked in on you sitting on an exercise ball, bouncing away while you mimicked what the person on the television was doing. You were holding your stomach and taking deep breaths in and letting them out. Harry watched you with amusement on his face.

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