A New Friend....

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Hi! My name is Skye, yes.....with an "E". But lets get back to me, I'm a fox but I look like a stereotypical Husky; I have blue eyes white and grey fur and a tail that is white that has a black tip. My hair is black and also has white tips and i"m 5"2 (Yeah i'm pretty small). Also, my mom and I have a secret.....well...I'm gay and only me and my mom know so yeah. I live in london with my mom Kat, i'm 15 and in the 10th grade. Mom said we have to move soon to Aberdeen U.K..... hopefully i'll be able to make some friends. I had no friends in my old school so hopefully I will make a couple of friends. My mom said it was because I'm shy.... she is probably right...oh well......let's get to the story.......

*ENGGGHH*ENGGGHH*ENGGGHH* "En...mm...uggh, Sunday....moving day" i say with my eyes still closed. I roll over and turn my alarm clock off and sit up and stretch. My body is plush....not fat...not tone...but plush. I pull off my covers and stand up and walk to my dresser. "Skye, you awake?!" "Yeah mom!" i say. "Okay, breakfast is ready!! Hurry we don't wanna be late!!" she yells at me through the door. I put on a purple shirt, grey faded jeans, rainbow socks, and a white jacket and black shoes.As I open my door and enter the kitchen i hear a honk "The moving van probably...." I think to myself. "Hey hun, i made you some bacon, now hurry up we don't wanna be left!" Kat (My mom) says. She is a fox with light orange fur, brown hair, green eyes, a tail with a black tip, and she is 5 feet tall. She is the nicest person you could ever meet....unless you tick her off.

We get every thing loaded onto the moving van and some personal things into the car and head of to Aberdeen. "Are you ready Skye? got all your stuff?" she asks me in that polite voice. "Yup, every thing....im ready to go" i say with a smile on my face. "Okay, lets go" she starts the car and starts blabing on about how much fun we are going to have. Eventually I drift off into a deep sleep.......

"Hun....Skye...wake up sweetie.." "Hm...oh..are we there yet?" i say and get up ad look around. "Yeah you stayed asleep the whole way." she says smiling "Really? wow... ok well im up now, do you need help with unpacking?" i ask as i get out of the car with my computer and ipod and look at our new house. It was a big 2 story house with a nice garden in the front that lead off to the back with a stone path way. "No, just grab your stuff and pick your room. The moving peeps will do the rest." she said wagging her tail in excitement. "I guess she knows I like the house" I think to myself as i open the front door to a nice cozy lounge area and kitchen/dining area. "wow" i mouth to myself.

I head up stairs to pick my room. I find a snug room in the back of the short hallway. I drop my stuff on the floor and hook up the wifi and get on my computer to play some music (I love music) but my computer was dead so i decided i would just go and take a walk around the neighborhood. I grab my pocket knife, ipod, ear buds, and white hoody and walk back down stairs. Mom was telling the guys where to put the couch. "A little to the left...THERE...right there, purrfect, thanks, oh hey hun watcha up to? Find a room yet?" she says with a grin. "Yes ma'am, just gonna go and take a walk and get to know the place." "Okay, be home by 10'o clock" she said as i walk out the door. "KK!" i close the door and turn around a take a big breath and sigh. I start walking down the side walk and turn on some My Chemical Romance on my Ipod and start to sing with the music(If u guys don't know who MCR is LOOK IT UP!!!!).

As i'm walking down the street i see a big van in someones driveway and notice it's a moving van. I see a couple crying and hugging and i start to tear up. "Poor peeps" i say to my self. "What a coincidence since i just mo-" i was cut off by someone yelling. "LOOK OUT!!!" i turn around in time to see a white blur on roller skates and the next thing i know im on the ground and someone is on top of me. "En..ugg..Ow!" "Oh my gosh i'm soooo sorry!! the ice on the side walk made me slip." he said to me in such a silky smooth british voice. "It's okay, don't worry abo-" I get a good look at him as i stand up. He is a husky about 6"3 fur identical to mine, emerald green eyes, a white un-zipped jacket with a skin tight tank-top so I could see his tone chest..."he is a HUNK!" i think to myself as I blush so much it was noticeable through my cheek fur.His tale was so cute and his ears...his ears...he was purrfect

"Are you okay?" he asks in a nervous voice. I snap out of my "sight seeing" and look at him and nod my head afraid if i talk I would stutter. "I'm so sorry about that. So, what's your name?" he asks as he brushes off his fur. "I-I'm Sk-Skye" i say as i mentally face palm my self from stuttering "I'm such a idiot"  i think to myself. "What i-is your n-name?" i ask...still stuttering. "I'm Don, nice to meet you" he says smiling and wagging his tail. "Are you going to Hanover high?" he asks me. "Um, y-yeah I think s-so." i say "Great! Maby we have some classes together!" he says smiling with a smile that made me melt inside."Yeah, t-that would be a-awesome." i say getting lost in his emerald green eyes. "You wanna walk with me? We can go to a cafe!" "Yeah! okay, l-lets go." i say feeling the color rise in my cheeks. We walk for a couple of minuets as he tells me about the high school. It was really usefull info on the school teachers, now i know what to expect.

"There is the place." he says pointing to a small coffee shop. "C'mon, lets go!" he says picking up the speed. we get in and find a small booth to sit in and wait for the waiter.  "Hello, what would you two like?" the small cat in glasses asks us. "Um... I would like a small hot chocolate please." says Don. "Yeah, same here." i say and the waiter nods and scribbles down on a note pad our orders. "So were do you live?" Don asks me. "Um...Virginia court. Were do you live? ask back. "Same place! How 'bout that!" no way...I think to myself.....no way...i'm so lucky today, I have a nice 2 story house and met a guy who is smokin', and he lives next to me.....wow. We got done with our drinks and head to our house. "It's getting a little late." i say looking at my ipod..9:46...."I have to be home by ten." "Okay, i'll walk with you...if you want..." he says blushing a little bit. "Um... yeah sure." i say smiling also blushing a bit.

We get to my front yard gate and he pats my shoulder awkwardly. "So, i guess i'll see you tomorrow at school?" he asks me. "Y-yeah, i'll see ya." "Okay, well, see you latter!" he says as he runs to his house. I wave at him sighing and smiling. I go to the front door and check my ipod....9:57.....I open the door and walk inside to see a fully furnished house and Kat sitting on the couch watching T.V "So Skye, who was that handsome young man you were with?" she says and turns around to look at me from the couch smirking. "Neighbor..." i say quietly and embarrassed."Mmmmmm Hmm.Okay.: she says laughing lightly. "Oh, shut up!" i say to her also laughing and blushing furiously. I head up too my room and put my ipod up and strip down to my boxers and jump in my bed. "Tomorrow..." I say exited to see Don at school. "I'll see you...tomorrow...." I fall aslep smiling.


Hey every one, this is my first story i have every made so be a little light on the comments plz.Should I go on or just stop? well you guys deside and i'll wait ^^ see you next time!!!!!!!!!!!

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