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"Skye?"...."SKYE."...."SKYE!!", "En..mmm...what?" I said coming to my senses. "Get up, your gonna be late for your first day of HIGH SCHOOL!!!" says mom in a loud booming voice, clearly angry."YOU JUST MISSED THE BUS!" she says as she through his cloths at me, bating at my head which quickly got me up. I put my cloths on and grab my ipod, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. My mom and I run down the stairs and eat a quick breakfast and run out side. She slips her jacket and slippers on and opens the door to the car so i can put my saxophone in the back seat and sit down. (Yeah, i'm in the school band, i love band) We head off to school and make it just in time to see the end of the announcements. ".....And that's all for the morning, have a beautiful day!" says a female voice as i run up to the front office. "Hello, you must be new to this school. I'm guessing you need a schedule?" she says handing me a yellow piece of paper with class names and times.

"Thanks, can you help me find these classes, i have never been here my life.." I say looking around at the huge hallways, each with numbers above the entrance."Yes, just a moment..." says the small panda, who i assume is the councilor. She reaches for a phone and picks it up and speaks into it.."Don, please come to the front to help a new student.." booms through the school. "He will be right here" she says with a smile. I sit  down in thought. "Did it HAVE to be DON!?" I think to myself...

~Don's POV~

I am awakened by a loud voice booming through the school. "Don, please to the front to help a new student." I sit up too fast and the blood rushes to my head. I stumble around and regain my balance and walk to the front. I walk fast knowing who is at the front awaiting my arrival. I take a deep breath and come around the corner revealing the fox i met last night. "Hey Skye!" I say to him, making him jump slightly. "Hey Don, a-are you go-going to show m-me my c-classes?" "he is so cute when he couldn't" I mentaly slap my self. "Yup, you have all the classes as me! Isn't that awesome?!" I ask him, trying to make him cheer looked like he was thinking...hard. I notice the color rise in his cheeks. "Y-Yeah, thats great!" he says and smiles.

"Well, come on, don't wanna be late to class on the first day of school." I say and gesture for him to follow me. He gets up and follows me down the 1st hallway to class nummber 306. As we walk along the long hallway i notice him sigh. "Whats the matter?" I ask him slightly nudging him. "Hm? Oh, nuthin'." I can still see he is red in the cheeks as he nudges me back. I chuckle and nudge him again. We continue this until we reach the class. "Well, this is it. Home Room." I say trying to sound cheer full although not doing a good job at it.

~Skye's POV~

We walk in to the class and I just follow him. The class is made up of small tables with two seats at each. I take a seat as does Don. He sat in the back of the class with a small female cat. I watch out of the corner of my eye and see her snuggle up on him. "I knew it.." I say to myself. "To good to be true..."  I take out my small notebook and start to wright song quotes and doodles here and there.  starting to tear up. "Good morning class!" says a large lizard, obviously the teacher. "Every one settle down, settle down..Ahh, I see we have ourselves a new student! What's your name son?" "skye..." I say very quietly.  "Ahh, that's a good name, well, there are only a few things to know about MY class."

"First of all, NO speaking unless spoken too. Second..." I start to tune out and day dream about how this day could get any better or any worse. I feel something hit my head and turn around to see what it was only to find a group of boys, who seemed to look like a bunch of jocks, laughing a pointing. I pick up the paper brushing them aside and unravle the paper. I see i big bold letters "FAGGGGGG" written along the top of the paper. I rip it up an toss it in the trash bin and go back to day dreaming. 1st period went by fast, as did 2nd....and 3rd...and 4th. We got to lunch and i sat down at the laft most corner of the cafe' and lied my head down. "Hey Skye!" i hear that silky smooth voice in my ears. "Can I sit?" he asks me. "yeah.." I answer. "Who was that girl in 1st period?" I ask wanting to know if it was his GF. "Hm? Oh, her...yeah...well...she is y Girl Friend but I don't really like her. I'm probably going to break up with her after school."

My heart started to sing. "Wanna come over to my h-house after s-school? Damn stutters. I could feel the color rising in my cheeks as i said that...and i think he noticed because he blushed too. "Yeah, sure!" he said and we both just kinda sat there awkwardly for the rest of the lunch period. After lunch was the last bell of the day...the "Go Home Bell" I used to call it and i still do. I couldn't wait to go with Don to my house... and I could tell... he couldn't either....


(A/N) Hey guys!! I have not gotin' any feed back but i got so motivation yesterday and desided to write. I hope you guys enjoy the 2nd chapter of The Life Skye!!! :D P.S I will try to get chapters out faster next time!

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