Break - Skylox - Minecraft AU

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Warning: A little and unusually angst at the start, it just became like that while writing I have no idea why. Gets fluffier at the bottom.

"Alright, mail time has finally arrived," Ian jumped through the window of the team crafted house, carrying a large pile of envelopes and his laptop. "Ready to pay up, ya nerds?"

"I'm ready to win my money back," Jerome called from the couch, cuddling with his 'biggums'. The two sat up. Sky barely glanced away from the TV while Jason and Ty quickly made their way down the stairs to the living space. "Sky, you're not going to change your bet?"

"Nope, I'm sure one day our mailbox letters will be filled with just fan mail and taxes, but no business proposals,"

"Sky face it, right now all talk shows and celebrities want to talk to us because of that stupid squid war, I'll guarantee you that all those letters are just business proposals," Jason says and sits next to Ian, who's opening the envelops and counting them.

"Well, you did win last time, Jason,"

"And I hope that people have learned their lesson and stop sending us such things because we have no intentions on agreeing at all," Sky says and much to Seto's dismay, he kicks back and places his feet onto the table.

"Sky, do you realize you are just having a pipe dream,"

"Ty, oh dear Ty. Nothing is impossible, a few years back you said that my dream of having everyone acknowledge 'Gold is Budder' is a pipe dream, and look what has happened recently,"

"Really should have left him 5 years ago when I had a chance," Ty hissed and Seto, sitting next to him, giggled upon hearing it. This drew everyone's attention to the purple sorcerer, causing him to become quieter.

"Anyways," Ian drew attention to himself when he finished arranging the opened letters into a stack, knocking one side against the oak table surface just for good measure. Sky sat up eagerly, and upon seeing this, Jason followed along and did so too. "The results are...."

"Jason won again, right?"

Sky stares into Ian's soul when he freezes from Seto's words. He's begging it to be false, that the public genuinely doesn't give a crap about them anymore, that they no longer have to face the paparazzi every single time they leave the front door, that they can finally take a break from all this publicity. Ian glances almost sheepishly at him and Sky knew his battle has ended.

"Yeah, they're all talk show invites and sponsorships and collaboration offers," He sighs and throws the letters onto the coffee table. He then fished out his wallet from his pocket, gesturing the others to do so as well. "Alright, everyone pays up,"

Sky hisses underneath his breath as he fished his own wallet up, picking the few bills that he needed to pay up to Jason. Said man was smiling that small smile of his, innocently counting the amount he's receiving from everyone.

He swallows, reaching out to snatch the letters away from the table and deposits them into the trash can as he walks past it to the kitchen. Ty watches him leave, mildly worried about him after seeing him in such a daze. His thoughts are interrupted when Ant marches into the room, carrying his laptop and dragging Sparklez behind him.

"Alright, nerds, we have an emergency,"

Mitch groaned and sat back down after standing up just a few seconds ago.

"There have been several sightings of weird behavior in the waters and river in the chunks around the city, we need to send some people out to survey the area just in case," He says, standing at the front of the room, blocking out the TV playing 'Spongebob Squarepants'. Sparklez nudged himself into the couch next to Merome and paid 150% attention to his best friend. "There are 4 reportings so we'll be splitting up into groups,"

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