Green Lights

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Agatha sat beside Tedros and Dot in the supper hall. Her plate was practically empty, all that was on there was mash potatoes and peas.

"You alright, Aggie?" Dot asked, mouth full with munched up carrots.

Agatha vaguely nodded, and dug her fork into her potatoes. Tedros and Dot shared a look, they both new something was up.

"Are you sure?" Tedros asked.

Agatha looked from Essa to Dot.

Agatha sighed. "Sophie was supposed to..." she looked like she was trying to find the right find the right word. "Well, I was supposed to see her lan-" she hesitated. Tedros frowned, it seemed like she was having trouble saying something in front of him. "Uh, she was supposed to send me a signal... from the sch- Blue Forest."

Tedros slowly nodded, processing her sentence. "Right."

Hester and Anadil dropped their dinner trays down.

"That Sophie is making me impatient." Hester grumped.

Agatha rolled her eyes. "It's been a two nights, Hester-"

"For you!" Hester said, slamming her hands on the table. "For me it's been 12 long months! And it's your fault!"

Agatha scowled and left the table, slumping out of the supper hall.

Tedros ran after her. He followed her out and down the hall all the way to their dorm.

When he got there, Agatha was lightning a green lantern.

"What are you doing?" Tedros asked, peering around her shoulder. Agatha flinched.

"Essa." She said, relived that it was only her.

"Sorry if I scared you-"

"No, no," Agatha shook her head. "It's fine, really."

Tedros smiled. And looked back at the lantern. "So what are you doing."

Agatha swallowed. "Just lighting a lantern."

Tedros raised an eyebrow. "Yes... But, why?"

Agatha pursed her lips. "Well, it's traditional."


"Yes! It is respectful to... your ancestors." She seemed like she had no clue what she was talking about.

"Right." Tedros nodded. "Who am I to question that."

Agatha awkwardly smiled. "Um, I think I'll gonna go off to bed now."

Tedros nodded. "Right."

Agatha went off to get changed. Tedros gazed across the bay at the gloomy school for boys and saw a blonde figure climbing up the tower.


Surely Sophie had missed something last night. Surely there was still a crack she hadn't checked or a secret passage she hadn't found.

Today was her second day at the school for boys, and she had won the trial tryouts both days.

Sophie heaved herself up the ladder of hair and in through the window of the School Master's Tower.

She hadn't seen Tedros in the doom rooms since yesterday, and he also hadn't been in class. Whenever she'd asked a teacher where he was they always shut her down and made no comment on it.

Sophie gazed over the bay and saw Agatha's comforting green light.

She lit her own lantern and waved her hand over it's light.

Agatha gave no response.

She squinted closely into her window, and saw two figures sitting on Agatha's bed.

She looked around the room and saw and empty glass bottle sitting on the table. She picked it up and held it to her eye.

Through the bottle, she saw Agatha sitting on her bed, body turned turned away from her. She was facing an unfamiliar blonde girl.

They were both laughing. Sophie suddenly felt sad. Agatha never laughed like that with her.

Who was this stranger?


Essa crossed her legs on Agatha's bed.

Agatha had a bag of candy in her hand. She held the bag out to Essa.

She raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"It's not gonna kill you!" Agatha said. Agatha and Essa had both tried to get to sleep, but couldn't, so they decided they'd stay up together.

Essa took one from the bag and put it in her mouth.

Agatha smirked. "Probably."

Essa froze in shock and Agatha burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, blondie! You should see your face." Agatha said, wiping up tears of laughter.

Essa frowned and playfully threw a pillow at her.

"Oh, you wanna thrown pillows, do you?" Agatha said, smiling sinisterly.

Uh oh, Essa thought as Agatha picked a pillow up from behind her and threw it at Essa.

The two girls got into a full blown pillow fight, with feathers flying and there laughter carrying through the rafters.

Agatha and Essa both lunged for a pillow on Essa's bed and both ended up tumbling over each other and landing on Essa's bed with Essa on top of Agatha, both of their legs intertwined.

The two girls both froze in their positions. Agatha gazed up into Essa's eyes... her blue eyes that reminded her so much of the boy she loved. They were so easy to get lost in.

Essa's hand rested on Agatha's waist, and Agatha forked her fingers into Essa's hair.

Agatha's eyes slowly drifted to Essa's thin pink lips. Agatha leaned up. Essa leaned down. Their lips almost grazed-

The door to their room swung open and Essa quickly rolled off Agatha and onto the floor.

Beatrix walked in, bald head reflecting the green light of the lantern. She didn't see anything, because she had her nose buried in her book list. "Sorry, Agatha, I left some of my books here, do you mind if I grabbed them?"

"O-of course not." Agatha said, voice shaking, but Beatrix didn't notice.

Beatrix came in and loaded her book bag with her books, while Agatha sat still as a church mouse, avoiding making eye contact with Essa.

Beatrix left the two in an awkward silence.

Essa sat on the edge of the bed and Agatha moved to sit next to her. She leaned her head on Essa's shoulder without saying a word.

They both sat for a while before Essa spoke.

"Agatha," she whispered, ever so quietly. Agatha slowly lifted her head and met Essa's eyes. Essa rested a hand on Agatha's cheek and they both leaned in again.

This time Agatha jolted away and shot to her feet.

"I just remembered I have to... uh..." she pointed at the door and looked back at Essa. "Um... just- bye!" She practically ran to the door and out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Tedros threw himself onto his bed.

"Nice one, Tedros," he scolded himself. "Get her all confused about herself, so she'll never love you!"

Tedros pulled a pillow over his head, regretting the embarrassing moment.


Agatha walked through Honor Tower at a fast paced. She'd lied to Essa. She had nowhere to be, she just wanted to get away.

She had almost kissed a girl! Why did she do that?

Agatha gently touched her lips. Why did she wish had?

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