Family pt.2

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It was 7 am when Carmen's mom went around the house waking everyone up to get ready for church.

Carmen got ready with a smile. Church was something that always brought her joy, seeing her dad stand proud brought warmth to her heart.
She grew in the church after all, with church and youth group.

"Come on y'all, we gotta eat and get on with it." Her mother called 30 minutes later.

The house smelled of pancakes and bacon. You could hear gospel music.

Carmen groaned and wiggled trying to zip up her dress.

She huffed giving up and grabbed her purse before going to knock on Jaden's door. He opened it instantly and his jaw fell ajar.

"Can you zip up the back of my dress?" She said before turning.

He silently gulped before zipping it up. She looked stunning. Maybe it shocked him because he had never seen her in a dress or heels. Maybe it was because the moment was so intimate in itself.

"Thanks." Carmen grinned and turned to face him.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah. Yes." Jaden smiled.

"Okie, well I'll see you downstairs." And with that she was off to get breakfast.

She wasn't surprised to see her friends and a massive amount of food. It was tradition that the first Sunday of each month they'd all gather and bring food for breakfast. It helped bond the families but also encouraged the idea of "love thy neighbor".

"J- Man!" Her dad called excited as Jaden walked in.

"What's up pops." He grinned as the two dabbed

Tayler and Bryce watched with envy. Both felt were struggling to bond with the girls dads and siblings. Truth be told they were doing good, the families were just testing them.

Everyone gathered and ate. Carmen made sure that she sat beside Jaden. This trip was making her feel more comfortable and relaxed in his presence. Something most people could not provide for her. But Jaden was different, and she was starting to recognize that.

"Now let's head on back." Carmen's mom spoke to the group. They were at a dining hall for the church charity event. Everyone wanted to start at the back for the silent auction since the service had ended.

"We'll meet you guys back there in a second." Carmen said standing beside Jaden.

The group nodded and the girls all gave Carmen a look before walking off.

"What's that about?" Jaden asked.

"Nothing, they're just stupid." Carmen shook her head with a grin.

"So, have you been having fun this weekend? I haven't really asked."

"Yeah, its actually been great. I thought it might be a little awkward but I've been having the best time." Jaden grinned at her.

Her smile lit up her whole. It was Jaden's favorite feature of hers, it always made his heart melt.

"I'm glad, it's nice to see you fit in so well." She nodded as they headed to look at the silent auction.

The two stuck by each other's side making jokes and having conversation.

Cassidy gave Marissa and Tayler both a harsh nudge to which they whined in response.

"Look at Carmen and Jaden." She said with a smile.

They looked up to see Carmen and Jaden talking to some of Carmen's neighbors. Jaden had his arm around her shoulder as she rested her head against his chest.

"I wish they would date already, it's been two months of them flirting. And they just started getting affectionate." Tayler laughed.

"No Tayler you don't get it, Carmen knew her ex for six months before they even met her sister and waited 8 to be seriously official." Cassidy explained.

"This is fast for Carmen, she usually has a really hard time being intimate with people." Marissa nodded.

"Oh they're turning, look away." Tayler said.

They all went to look busy but Bryce was slow and accidentally made eye contact with Carmen awkwardly.

Marissa watched the whole thing and shook her head at Bryce's stupidity.

"Was Bryce staring at us?" Carmen said confused.

"Oh most definitely." Jaden laughed.

"God he's so weird." She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Marissa is much weirder, she's the one who likes the dude."

"She's got a thing for guys who have a past of commitment issues and big muscles."

"What about Cassidy?" Jaden asked.

"Tall guys who are really into Jesus and can dance."

"And Faith?"

"Tattooed people with freckles and a similar sense of music."

"And you?"

"People who make me feel comfortable, I guess. It'd probably be easier to ask me what I don't like." Carmen laughed and shrugged.

"So what don't you like?" Jaden laughed.

"I'm not into anyone above 6'5, I don't like huge muscles or typical dudes. Dirty nails is a no go, and I hate when guys wear the same thing over and over again. Oh and people who are mean to public service workers." She rambled.

"Sorry, I'm rambling." She said embarrassed by her behavior.

"It's all good smiles." He smiled.

The rest of the day went by too fast. At 5 they all went to the houses and got ready to go back to Glendale. Carmen's dad spent more time saying goodbye to Jaden than he did with Carmen.

Carmen always hated leaving home. She loved Glendale but the bay was always home. She was very family oriented so she hated leaving them.

Jaden agreed to drive down to Glendale since Carmen drove up.

Carmen watched out the windows with tears in her eyes. She tried her best to sniffle quietly and not let Jaden see but failed.

Jaden pulled over and Carmen looked at him confused.

He opened his arms and Carmen leaned over the center console into them.

She began to cry. Jaden held her and rubbed circles in her back.

"I just hate leaving them." She croaked into his shoulder.

"I know and that's okay. But it's only four hours between you guys." He responded.

After several minutes Carmen calmed down and Jaden started to drive again. Curled up in the passenger seat asleep Carmen rested her head against the window. She snored very softly.

Jaden smiled looking at her. A part of him had love for her although he was too afraid to admit it.

"Sweet dreams smiles."

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