One of the boys

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Carmen was very sure she was going to die of boredom. Jaden was in Tennessee. The girls were in the bay with the dogs. But poor Carmen was stuck at home. Plus her car was in the shop due to a fender bender.

At one point she even tried to build a fort. Which didn't go well considering the fact that the entire fell on her Midway through.

So she decided to do the one thing  she was  definitely insecure about doing.

She texted Tayler to see if she could hang out with the boys. She wasn't sure why but she was surprised when he said yes.

I mean she knew them and she has hung out with them tons of times before, they just weren't close. It wasn't a huge surprise considering Carmen was the way she was. The boys liked going out and partying, Carmen liked staying at home and  watching the same shows on repeat.

So she changed into some shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers. Then she brushed her teeth and grabbed her phone before walking across the street.

She let herself in as Tayler had told her to over text.

"Boys? I'm here." She said aloud.

"We're in the living room!" Bryce yelled.

And surely they were.  Payton was making a tik Tok, Hunter was in the kitchen eating. Bryce, Isaak, and Tayler we're all laying on the couch.

"Sup homeboys." She smiled and flopped on the lovesac.

"We're trying to come up with ideas for filming, but Tayler keeps saying no to everything."  Isaak explained.

"You could dress up Bryce as a girl?" Carmen laughed.

"No way in hell." Bryce quickly objected.

"Wait wait, I have an idea. Bryce and I could switch lives. We dress up and act like each other and it'll be good because I dress like a dude anyways." She said with a grin.

"That'd actually be hella funny, Bryce are you down." Tayler smiled.

"Okay, yeah I'll do that." He nodded in response.

Excitedly Tayler began to film as they went up to Bryce's room. After looking in his closet for a few moments her pulled out some pink board shorts and a black hoodie.

"She's so small, those clothes are definitely going to be too big." Bryce laughed into the camera.

After going into the bathroom Carmen changed. The shorts reached her knees and the hoodie went below her butt. She looked both adorable and ridiculous.

"What's up bro." She said in a deep voice walking out.

"Okay, I do not sound like that." Bryce laughed meanwhile Tayler practically cackled.

"Wanna go dude, let's go." She said trying to make her build look more stocky and box like.

The boys just laughed at her behavior.

After that they walked over to Carmen's where she put the one dangly earring in.

Carmen looked at her closet and attempted to find things that would fit Bryce but also go with the Yeezys he wore.

After lots of sighing and laughs she settled on grey and purple Soto gang sweats with a grey crop top.

"Nooo." Bryce whined upon seeing the crop top.

"Come on, you'll look so cute in it." She encouraged.

So he changed. While he did Carmen sat on her bed and scrolled through her phone.

"How we looking girls?" Bryce said in a voice as he walked out.

"Oh my god Bryce, you look hot. I'm serious, you need to wear crop tops more." She  said hyping him up.

"Thanks  girl." He said being overly expressive which made  both Tayler and Carmen laugh.

The group decided to go to the Grove, something Carmen would never do but she had to go the video.

The entire experience was stressful for Carmen. With constant fans surrounding them to random stares and rude strangers. She did a little shopping but didn't enjoy it. It was 50 minutes of hell.

Bryce and Tayler on the other hand were having a lot of fun. It was their kind of environment. Plus they enjoyed watching Carmen's reactions to things due to the funny faces she'd make. They even snapped a few pictures just go laughs.

After while they gave up and headed to the car.

"Okay, Carmen now that you've done something Bryce would normally do, what would you normally do." Tayler asked from the driver's seat while she sat in the back.

"Dude, literally all she does is hangout with Jaden." Bryce laughed.

"Okay, well now I feel attacked." Carmen responded.

"But usually I chill at home and watch A Different World and get Postmates if I'm not working or something."

"I don't know what show that is but I'm definitely down."

"Bryce if you fart in my bed I will kick you out." Carmen warned as they pulled up to her house.

"Okay, now I'm the one feeling attacked." Bryce said getting out of the car.

They all went inside and up to Carmen's room. Once they were settled they decided to post mate wing stop and get each other's orders.

After several episodes of A Different World the postmates arrived and they decided to eat in the living room and watch Guardians of the Galaxy.

As time passed the three found themselves getting along really well. They shared stories and jokes. They talked dabout their feelings for Jaden and the girls. It was almost as if they had known each other for years.

They even made some stupid tik Toks jokingly and posted them.

It was just a really good day. If it weren't for them eventually needing to sleep they would have hung out until the next morning. Time passed so fast that when they all checked their phones they were shocked to see it was nearly 2 am

So they picked up their trash and put away. After that they changed out of each other's clothes and gave them back.

"Thank you for today guys, it was really fun honestly." Carmen smiled.

"For sure, we should all hang out again sometime." Tayler smiled.

"Honesty? I'm down." Bryce grinned.

They said their goodbyes and the boys left.

Happily Carmen texted Jaden to tell him about her day before she went to bed.

This chapter is dedicated to Yall_need_some_milk
Love you angel 😘💗

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