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"I know Grace! I'll call you at least once a week....... I'll miss you too. I've gotta go. Bye" I end the phone call with my best friend when the speaker calls my gate number. I think the only thing I'll miss in Tampa is Grace. It's hard, ya know? We've been best friends since 6th grade.
Once I get situated in the planes seat, I pull out my phone and text Nicole (or Mrs. Moran)

Me: "Hey Mrs. Moran, it's Maddy! I just got seated on the plane. Thank you again for letting me stay with you! I'm wearing a blue shirt and jeans, so keep your eyes open for me! :)"

I bite my nails and stare out the window. What if they don't like me? I mean, I'm a stranger who's suddenly bombarding into their life's. I should've just stayed at home and suffered. My thoughts get interrupted by the familiar beeping of my phone. It's a text from Nicole... Oh god, here comes the rejection. She's gonna be shocked that I'm coming!! Maddy what have you gotten yourself into?!

Nicole: "Alright sweetie, see you in a few hours! Glad you're coming to stay with us. The boys are really excited too! How does a 'welcome to California' lunch sound? :)"

....okay then. Maybe I was getting myself worried for nothing. Who knows, well just have to wait and see.

I send Nicole a short text, telling her thank you. I put in my earbuds and start playing a Green Day song. Just as the next track starts, I'm asleep.
I wake up right when the plane starts to land. Good job, Maddy. I've always been an easy sleeper.
I put my iPod and earphones back in my backpack and wait for a flight attendant to tell us we can leave. Lucky me, I'm in one of the first rows.

When she gives the signal, I text Nicole and tell her that I've landed. She replys; telling me her and her family are at baggage claim.

I spot her as soon as I get to baggage claim.. Why? Because she's holding up a big poster for me with my name written in huge purple letters.

Okay Maddy. This is it.
This is your new life. This might even be your new family.

I smile to Mrs. Moran and start walking towards her.

Here goes nothing.

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