Prologue: The Crow's Call

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There was a lone crow sitting on a tree in what most knew as the spirited forest. The forest was quiet, all you could hear from it was the rushing water of the river. The crow however perked up when it heard footsteps getting closer to where it rested. When the footsteps got close enough the crow soon realized it was humans and flew off into the air with cries coming from it. To anybody else it sounded like a bird just singing to itself but to the spirits of the forest it was a warning call to hide. The spirits nearby ran as fast as they could to their treehouse palace to warn the queen. This warning has never been used before, the spirits never thought they would ever hear it. Humans in the forest. How did they get past the border? Why were they there?

Questions filled the minds of the spirits as they rushed to the palace, some surrounded the borders and used their powers to conceal the palace while some guardian spirits made sure everyone made it inside safely. The very crow that called upon the warning was flying to the queen as the other spirits did what they could. It went through a window in the mighty tree the queen stays in. As it flew closer to the throne a bright light covered its body and it slowly formed into a small spirit boy. When the transformation was complete the small boy took off to the queen and kneeled before her, where she sat on her throne. “My queen, I’m sorry for the sudden warning call but six humans have entered the forest. All seemed to have weapons of sorts they carried on their backs.” 

The queen looked down to the small boy in front of her and frowned, she could clearly see the distress coming off of the ginger before her. “Stand up Hinata, no need for apologies, thank you for warning us.” She stood up from her throne and placed a reassuring hand on Hinata’s shoulder. She gave him a gentle smile to make sure his nerves were calmed before going to work. “Please go and give out the call for my people to hide, be it changing into their animal forms or hiding in the trees, I just want them safe.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The ginger male stood up and transformed back into his crow form. He flapped his wings till he was up in the air then took off with a call to the people to hide and not come out till the situation was deemed safe. 

As soon as the short male was gone, the queen got to work, going to her chambers and changing out of her dress and into more suitable clothes for a fight if the need arose. She strapped a weapon to the belt that was wrapped around her waist then turned into her own crow form. She took off into the sky, doing loops around her kingdom to make sure none of her people could be spotted. When Kiyoko could tell that her people were safe she sent out a call to Hinata for him to hide as well. When that was done, she headed out to see just what type of humans had entered her forest. 

Daichi knew splitting off into two groups could end up bad for them but if he looked at the positive, it could also end up good. He looked around at the trees ahead of them and let Kageyama keep eyes out for the trees behind them. They were both on guard with their weapons out ever since they heard movement around them moments ago. When a sudden creek above them had Kageyama on the defense, Daichi finally decided to speak up. “Whoever is there please come out, we mean no harm.” He gave a look to the ever honest, can’t understand a lie, Kageyama, to stay quiet. The tall male raised an eyebrow at him but otherwise stayed quiet. 

However they both relaxed when a simple crow came out from behind a tree before them. For some reason the crow seemed to be studying them but they weren’t here for crows so it didn’t matter. “That was boring.” He heard a mumble from beside him but ignored it. Kageyama put his weapon back to its resting place then got back to searching the area. Daichi was about to follow lead till a random, angelic like, voice came out of nowhere.

“Who are you strangers? Why did you enter this forbidden forest?” They could both tell from the sound of the voice that it was a female speaking to them. The real question though was where the voice came from. The two hunters were back on their guards with weapons at the front, their backs to each other. Daichi, being the more observant of the two, kept more of an eye out while Kageyama stayed more on defense. The only thing they spotted though was the same crow before still watching them. 

“Leave now or you and your companions will be forced to.” The crow now seemed to be glaring at them. Daichi couldn’t tell if the crow was speaking to them or not, the sound kept echoing around them. 

“I apologize but even if you wanted me and my companions to leave, we split up. I have no idea where the others are.” The only reason he was even responding is so they can try and figure out where this spirit was. He could hear Kageyama moving behind him which he guessed meant he too was looking for the voice. 

“Maybe while you are demanding us you can also show yourself.” Kageyama spit out into the empty air. If Daichi wasn’t on guard he would have hit Kageyama for being hostile and giving away the facade that they bring peace. 

“I will do no such thing, and if you and your companions separated, fine, I will personally make sure sure they find their way out as well. Unharmed or harmed, you will find your way out.” The voice was now sounding more threatening and angry than before. Daichi didn’t want to take the chance of either one of them getting badly injured so he was about to tell Kageyama to run and find the others so they could face this together but another crow showed up out of the blue and landed right next to the one who was watching them.

Kiyoko wasn’t done with the hunters but she had to turn her head to find out why one of her people, it of course being her right hand, Suga, landed next to her. She hated being in this from cause each animal only had calls for certain things, which meant that whatever Suga wanted to tell her, he apparently couldn’t do it in crow form. Suga looked at the hunters then moved behind the tree Kiyoko was on, away from the human’s line of sight. He then transformed back into his spirit form and rushed out as quickly as he could “Akaashi was still out by the river when the warning was called, he hasn’t come back.” 

The panicked look on Suga’s face was enough for Kiyoko to shift to her spirit form, pull out her weapon, and pounce on the hunters down below. She knocked the black haired hunter out of her way then motioned for Suga to hold said hunter down, which he did. She then went after the person who seemed to be the one in charge of the two, and held him at knife point before either hunter could move. 

“What did your friends do to my comrade?” 

Chapter End

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