By Storygirl, found in Spider-Hawk's forum, add to by StarStudedBells,Spider-Hawk, Karen Lokidaughter and blazer123
1. Tell Bruce Banner he's 'doing it wrong', even if you have no idea what he's doing.
2. 'Upgrade' Hawkeye's arrows for him.
3. Talk like Thor, in front of him. Do it with a very serious expression on your face.
4. Follow Black Widow around all day, mimicking everything she does or says.
5. Listen to very loud rap or heavy metal music around Steve Rogers. Sing along if you want.
6. Interrupt Tony Stark constantly to point out flaws in his grammar.*
7. Ask Nick Fury about his eyepatch every five minutes until he kicks you out.*
8. Make faces at Tony Stark behind the other Avengers' backs while they are having a serious conversation.
9. Do the same to the other Avengers.
10. Borrow Tony Stark's car and park it in a 'No Parking' zone. Go shopping for five hours.*
11. Take over Shield communications and tell the same jokes over and over.*
12. Try to pickup Thor's hammer and throw a fit when you can't, in public.
13. 'Borrow' Steve Roger's shield, then take a bunch of goofy pictures with it and post them to Facebook.
14. Poke Bruce Banner with sharp objects constantly.
15. Try to sneak up on either Hawkeye or Black Widow, but be as loud as you can and make sure they see you.*
16. Get Steve Roger's cell phone number and text him using as much text talk as possible when you're in the same room. Enjoy his confusion as he tries to read it.*
17. Ask Thor about his 'family issues.'
18. Hack into Tony Stark's Facebook account. Tell him Hawkeye did it, tell Hawkeye Bruce Banner put you up to it, tell Bruce Banner it was all Black Widow's idea, tell her Thor made you do it, tell Thor you saw Steve Rogers do it, and tell Steve Rogers Tony Stark staged it all so he could blame Steve for it. Buy popcorn and enjoy the show.*
19. Stand behind Maria Hill and repeat everything she says.
20. Yell 'Avengers, Assemble!" at random times when they're all in the room.
21. Stand behind Maria Hill and tap her on the shoulder. When she looks at you, shrug, then do it again as soon as she turns around. Hope you don't get kicked out.
22. Spend the last days before April Fool's Day slinking around and acting suscpicious when you run into one of the Avengers. Look at them and grin nastily, as if you have something planned. Carry bags full of junk around like the contents are extremely important. Hide cameras and enjoy watching them scramble to figure out your plan. On the actual day, do absolutely nothing and innocently ask them why they're so jumpy. *
23. Buy Thor an assortment of hair products for Christmas.
24. Come up to Tony Stark when he's on the computer and pretend to be painstakingly explaning how it works to him. "No, Mr. Stark, you press that button and THEN click. Gosh, didn't anyone ever teach you to copy and paste?"*
25. Hide copies of the Twilight saga in Steve Roger's bags, leave one on his bed, and put them anywhere someone else will see them.
26. Replace Hawkeye's practice arrows with explosive ones. Gleefully inform Nick Fury that 'Agent Barton blew up half the archery range.'*
27. Ask Black Widow for gymnastics lessons, pretend to seriously injure yourself, and blame it all on her.
28. Raid Bruce Banner's secret food stash and leave something of Tony Stark's nearby.
29. Enter Bruce Banner's lab, then a minute later start screaming 'Stay calm, Doctor Banner! Stay calm! Don't hurt me, please!" Break a few things to make it more convincing.
30. Learn the theme song for the Avengers animated TV show. Begin obnoxiously singing it around any/all of the Avengers. Repeat until physically restrained.*
31. Ask Thor how to pronounce the name of his hammer, then spend about an hour getting it wrong and having him correct you.*
32. Blatantly insult all of Stark's favorite bands.
33. Innocently ask someone why Superman isn't in the Avengers.*
34. Hum the Batman theme song.
35. Make intricate pop culture references around Steve Rogers, then when he looks confused laugh and say 'you haven't heard of it? Everyone knows about that."
36. Cover Tony Stark's most expensive, convertible-top car with whipped cream. Inside, in the engine, and everything.*
37. When Nick Fury makes a statement, gleefully say, "Ten bucks says you're wrong."*
38. Buy them all little action figures of themselves.*
39. Get into their cell phones and switch around the contacts randomly, so that text Tony Stark meant to send to Bruce Banner goes to Black Widow, and her angry reply to him gets read by Nick Fury.*
40. Go around dramatically announcing, "I am Iron Man."**
41. Run around in the middle of the night with a white sheet on Screaming "It's got me!"... That's bound to wake them up.
42. Try to talk Bruce Banner into anger management counseling.
43. Run around the halls near the training room, making pew-pew gun noises and pretending to shoot people. When someone askes you what you what you're doing, say you're just trying to be like Natasha.*
44. Ask why Nick Fury and his agents dress in fancy dancy monkey suits.
45. Ask the Avengers why they have super cool weapons and you don't.
46.Every time Tony and Steve get into an argument, plug your ears and shout:"Here we go again!" at the top of your lungs.*
47. Constantly ask Hawkeye if he knows the 'other archer dude.'
48. When Natasha asks who you're talking about, refuse to explain saying 'oh nothing.'
49.Hog the t.v remote.
50. refuse to hand fury the remote muttering "Blundering Bunch of Baboons."**
51. Put up an alarm in the middle of the night. When people come running, say you saw a spider.*
52. If you are known to have important info towards the Avengers on missions, get them to cough up millions of dollars then tell them that Loki is trying to unleash the Hulk.
53. If you were actually stupid enough to do 52, try to get them to hand over some more money and tell them it was all a joke.
54. every time agent coulson goes to say something, point to a random agent and say "He/she is playing video games!" in a whiny voice.
55. constantly hum or sing 'candle in your heart' around Natasha and Clint when they're both in the room.
56. act offended when they tell you to stop.
57. watch Skyfall and pause it every two action scenes and make comments about the striking similarities between James bond and Steve Rodgers.*
58. beg Tony, Steve,Clint, Bruce and Thor to watch the Yankees take on the Red socks at Yankee stadium.
59. While watching the game, point out flaws in A rod's posture.Spill the popcorn when Derek Jeter scores a home run.
60. Do your signature home run dance and throw popcorn in the air like confetti.**