Chapter 12: leaving

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Hey everybody! Thanx again for reading this. Like i said i am ill, so i had enough time to make another chapter today. So here it is. I hope you like it. 

And again lore thank you for supporting me while im ill and such. You truly are THE best friend a person can wish for. And im so lucky to have you

Ow and if you have a twitter: please follow; @gunssofie and @loreloves1D 

We follow back, we promise.

Sofie xxx 


Liam's Pov

Sophie fell asleep during  'use somebody'. I smiled down at her. I was lucky to have her. I really love her. She is just so amazing, and I admire her.

She is going through so much and she still manages to be this strong.

I picked her up bridal style and I carried her to the bedroom.

I placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her thin body. I kissed her forehead and left the room. I wasn’t tired yet, and I still needed to pack everything up.

Yes tomorrow we have to catch our plane to London.

We are going back home, we were on a big break. So I could spent a lot time with sophie.

I packed all my stuff up and went to the bedroom where sophie was still sleeping in the king sized bed. I changed to my pajamas, not putting on a shirt cause It was way too hot to wear one. And I laid down next to her.

 She wrapped her arms around my bare torso and snuggle her head deeper into my chest.

I chuckled.

She's so cute when she's asleep.


Sophie's Pov



I woke up by the sun shining true the curtains.

But I didn’t open my eyes. I was still too tired to get up.

I snuggled my head deeper into my pillow,


why is my pillow so hard?

And so warm?

And why does it smell like liam?

And why is it moving slowly up and down?

O god.

My eyes shot open to let appear a laughing liam WITHOUT a shirt.

O god.

He was still laughing.

"good morning sunshine!" he laughed and kissed my forehead.

" h-hii" I stuttered.

Still amazed by my boyfriend toned chest and I blushed like crazy.

I unwrapped my arms from his bare torso as quick as possible.

I moved as far away from him. To not show my embarrassment.

He laughed a little at my actions.

"don’t worry love, I don’t mind cuddling with my beautiful girlfriend." he smirked.

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