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"Hey, sleepy head," juice says, handing me a plate as I walk into the kitchen
"Sleep ok." I think he could already tell the answer
"Not really, but I will new place and all. I really appreciate this"
"Eat up, we gotta get to the lot,"

The next few weeks seemed to fly.
I've been on lock down the last few days. Lenny, the dick decided to try to make a deal with Jax. I go back to Lenny, and he continues to deal with weed. Then he tells them who his supplier is for the heroin. Gemma sends me to lunch, and I'm sitting at the picnic table really not wanting to go into the club house
"Hey babe, i brought you some food," juice says, kissing me on the head, sitting down next to me
"Give me give me," I say, grabbing the bag
"Hungry, are we?" juice jokes
"Yes, I skipped breakfast, and since I can't leave to get food and the club house has basically no food in it. I'm stuck. "
"Jax is meeting with Lenny after a while. See why he wants you back so bad. "
"He's not gonna make me go back to him, is he?"
"No doll, he isn't," Tig said, sitting down
"I don't get why he even reached out. I didn't think he had the balls. "
"Don't worry, we ain't gonna let you go back to him," Juice says, wrapping his arm around me.
"What's going on here?" Gemma says, walking up and sitting down
"Just talking about this Lenny thing," juice stated
"Not what I mean, sweetheart. You two are looking pretty cozy lately. "
"We're just friends, Gemma," I state. I know Juice wants more, but I just don't know about all that.
"Well, don't forget you're working the bar tonight. The Tacoma boys will be in later today," she states, giving juice a death look before walking away
"What was that about?" Juice asked tig
"Sorry man, she's team Happy" tig jokes
Ugh, there is no team, anyone. Happy has tried to talk to me every day. If you call one word here or there talking. Funny when I was staying in his dorm he was fucking everything in site while I was here. But then after I stayed at juices I haven't seen him even look at another girl while I'm around. That man is a strange strange man.
"I want you to stay at the bar or stick to me tonight." Juice says pulling me into him
"Why" I ask confused
"Cause there is other guys coming in and I don't want them to think your another crow eater" juice says
"I dont think you got to worry juicy boy. Looks like happy is back from his run" tig says as happy and chibs pulls back in the lot
Well it had been a peaceful two days being back here. But I have a feeling that will go away. Back to being awkwardly watched every move I make.
"Thanks for lunch. I need to get back to work" I say hurrying off as I see Happy coming our way.
"You ok sweetheart" gemma asks as i walk into the office
"I'm fine gemma"
"Come on go help me get some more stuff for tonight we will have a full house"
"I'm not suppost to leave" I say flopping down in a chair
"Jax is meeting with him now we will take juice with us. What could happen"
"Ok I kinda miss being off the lot"
"Go change you got grease all over you. I don't want it in my car"

I go change and bump right into happy as I'm walking out
"Looking good little girl "
"Thanks happy"
"You gonna be here tonight"
"Ya I'm working"
"Good I've missed you" he says staring at me

"Come on Grace tic toc sweetheart" gemma calls from behind happy
"Your leaving"
"Ya gonna help gemma get some stuff, juice is going to follow us."
Happy turns on his heals and stalks off to juice
"I mean it anything happens your in deep shit with me" happy growls at him
"Hap nothing is gonna happen" I say putting my hand on his arm to try to get him away from poor juice
Before I could his lips was down on mine.
"What the fuck happy" I say storming past him hoping in the car
"That was some good bye sweetheart" gemma says chuckling
"He is so bipolar"
" Well happy is something" gemma says patting my leg
We get to the store and gemma gives me a cart and a list and tells juice to follow me and not to leave the store. As she takes a cart and goes to the liquor isle.
I've just about got everything on the list. Juice is like a little kid throwing random stuff in the cart.
"So um what was that back there with happy" juice asks as he throws some more chips into the cart.
"Who knows with him" I say grabbing what's actually on the list
" Ya who knows"
"Hey um if you need me to tonight I can see about staying with Clay and Gemma so you can have your dorm to your self"
"Why would you need to do that" juice asks as we finish up the list to go find gemma
"I just don't want to walk in on something I shouldn't. You have been stuck with me for weeks figure you may wanna blow off stream" I tell him a little emmbaresed.
"Baby you are staying in my dorm and that's final" he says grabbing my arm and spinning me around
With that he pulls me in and his lips are on mine as I wrap my arms around his neck and give in.
"Well well well" I hear the voice and I freeze
"The fuck you want" juice asks getting in front of me

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