you ask him out + first kiss

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Your POV

I saw him cross the street, which caused my cheeks to flush my heart to throb at his existence. "Hey (Y/N)" he ruffled my hair with a soft smile as a sigh of relief escaped his lips. "We need to ta-" we somehow said it at the same time causing my cheeks to flare up, he led me behind the school where we were less likely to be disturbed. ”you can go ahead" his cheeks started to flush slightly but it could've been the cold, while with me I'm sure it was noticable. "I like you" I blurted out as his cheeks heated up, as I felt his arms around me enveloping me into a tight hug. ”I like you too" I hoped he couldn't hear my heartbeat quickening. I felt his hands slip to my waist, I breathlessly fell into his chocolate brown eyes and he leaned towards me, our noses barely touching and kissed me softly not wanting to be too much, to intrude.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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