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I never thought about this before until now, but society is shit. 

No one really cares, everyone is fake, and everything is just shitty. In high school I thought it was bad but now I understand that was just the beginning, kids telling other kids to kill themselves, those kids actually going through with it. 

How adults leave their children unsupervised, it sucks. What do you think they do without you? Drugs, fight, worse? Most likely, it just makes me sick people being people who are unprepared into this world and leave them to figure it out themselves. 

You think people would be smarter, but no, they never will be because that is how we are, how we were made to be. No one can be perfect, but at least fix your problems before they grow worse. 

I hate society, but I still fight for it.

I hate how people go against others, we could be a whole supportive group but ya know, there's people who are gay or more and have barely any support. You think people would have the common sense to support no matter what, but I guess not.

I never thought this world could be so cruel, but that's just the beginning from what I have seen.

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