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[ This Chapter is dedicated to @SasukeDi  who is a ShwElf (Shawol + Elf) and requested non stop a love triangle fanfic among her biases : Jinki and Kibum from SHINee and Yesung from Suju (based on a real event of course!). Enjoy! °v° ]

Part 1

' Hurry Ming! we are fucking late!! ' -  Kibum checks his watch once again while running to the rehearsal room - ' omg we are soooo done! ' 

' Its your fault! You took forever in Jonghyun Hyung's room!! ' -  Minho whines as they keep running - ' You said "only 20 minutes"! ' 

' Well he is sick! ' - Kibum replies as he opens the door , he then suddenly stops and goes silent when he sees Yesung; a Suju member; very close to Jinki -

' Yesung Hyung! ' - Minho runs close to give him a hug - 

' Look Jinki-ssi rest of your members are finally here! ' - Yesung stands up greeting them - ' How are you Minho? hey hellow Kibum! ' - Yesung smiles and Kibum slightly smiles -

' What took you so long? ' - Taemin whispers pinching Minho's arm -

' Ya!! We were at Jonghyun Hyung place!  stop pinching me! ' -  Minho rubs his arm while Taemin pouts -

' so...whats going on here? ' - Kibum gets closer to Yesung and Jinki  

' Nothing ' - they both reply simultaneously smiling at each other shyly - 

' Did you go see Jjong? ' -  Jinki asks but Kibum only nods and ignores him - 

' I was just discussing with Jinki-ssi about our rehearsals and...' - Yesung glances at Jinki  then touches his shoulder and both smile - ' So.... anyways, how is Jonghyun doing? I heard he got the swine flu! ' 

' Still sick....' - Kibum replies rolling his eyes and turning around to go to Taemin - ' "OUR" rehearsals...? what da... ' - he whispers to himself as he scans Yesung  from a distance  -  ' what's with all that touching??...'

' Yesung Hyung reminds me of you Key Umma!' - Taemin jokes and Kibum glares at him - 

' WHAT!?' -  Kibum furious look makes Minho pull Taemin to protect him -

' Well. he surely likes Onew Hyung...and i think Onew Hyung likes him too! ' - Minho jokes while Kibum stares at him -

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