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- Kibum is upset, he has been feeling ignored by Jinki, so he goes away to sit alone and far from all

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- Kibum is upset, he has been feeling ignored by Jinki, so he goes away to sit alone and far from all. After a while, Jinki notices his absence and starts searching for him, for some reason he is now feeling uneasy. On his way, he bumps into Lee Dong-Hae and after exchanging few words, he tells Jinki he saw Kibum in the males dressing room. Jinki rushes to find him -

' Bummie? ' - Jinki gets inside as there's nobody around, the smell of clean floors is very strong. ' Are you here?...' 

- As he walks, he keeps calling Kibum's name but to no response. He reaches one of the last rows of lockers and there, he finally sees Kibum, sitting with the headphones on and his eyes closed -

' Bummie...' - Jinki gets closer to sit next to Kibum and touches his hand, causing electricity in Kibum's body. He recognizes this touch and opens his eyes to meet Jinki's  - 

' What are you doing here? ' -  Kibum looks away and stands up immediately, crossing his arms -

' I came looking for you...you vanished all of a sudden so...'

' I'm fine, you can go back to your friends...I want to be alone...'

' ...will you tell me what is this all about?...'

' There's nothing to talk about, it's obvious that your preferences are different from mine...'

' What's that supposed to mean? '

' Just forget it...'

' That's not possible.... because now I don't even know what i did wrong nor why you are so upset! '

' Well if you wouldn't have been so busy and focused on entertaining those girls, maybe you would have noticed ME! ' - Jinki understands Kibum's jealousy and need of attention - 

' ....Bummie, I pulled you to the group...but you didn't like them and stepped back...they are not only artists like us but also friends, so i thought i should be nice and entertain them...'

' Yeah...it seems like every girl wants a piece of you and you seem to like it...just forget it... '

' But I came after you!, got very close and whispered to you, you knew it was me but you ignored me, then i blew little air on your neck, you turned around, looked at me and pushed me away with that hand fan you had! '

' You got too close and there were cameras around so yeah i saved you from the embarrassment. You are welcome!... ' 

- Kibum turns around not facing Jinki, these same words he just spoke hurt himself more -

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