First Murder

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My father never was a gentle soul. The constant yelling at my mother and beatings I knew that awaited me at what can't possibly be considered a home for a small child as myself. I was only 5 but I knew much more than I should. I had to do many things for my father since my mother died. I had to cook for him, clean for him, I even had to, what he calls, "play", with him in his room. It hurt, a lot, but it sometimes kept my beatings short and less painful. I knew what he was doing wasn't right but I had no choice but to do as he said. I have no family anymore I'm not sure where any of them are. For a child only being at the age of 5 I was extremely unhappy and the only one who cared was the nice man in pink who gave me a cupcake every time I pass his shop. I met him one day when it was raining heavily and I walked passed his shop. He told me a young lady such as myself should not be walking in such heavy rain. At the time I was just four and had recently been trying to get over my mothers death. My father told me not to tell anyone about where she really is and so when he asked where my mother was, I said home. It's been a year now and I feel like telling him.

'Maybe he can help me?' I thought as I walked into the shop for my daily round of tea and a cupcake. I asked a man what time it was and he told me it was 4:30. I had maybe an hour before my father got home and it would take me around 20 minuets to walk so I had time. I walked up to the man with a small nervous smile on my face.

"Why hello dear poppet how are you?" He asked happily as he set up a table so he can sit with me and I can eat and drink in peace.

"Well......" I pause thinking it over once more before saying, "um I n-need h-help..." I looked at my hands leaving my tea and cupcake untouched.

"What is it dearie?" He asked concerned.

"M-my father he hates me. All he does is scream at me and hit me. He even makes me do things for him.....things I know that aren't right in his room..." I started tearing up thinking of all the things I've had to do. He sits next to me, pulling me close and holding me.

"Where is your mum poppet? Why doesn't she do anything?"

"That's the t-thing she's d-dead!" I choked out in a hoarse. "He killed her! With no mercy! He made me watch!" I balled. He just had a set frown upon his smooth face as he held me into his chest and let me cry.

"I've thought of running away from him...almost went through with it a few times but I wouldn't have anywhere to go." I mumbled into his chest.

"Well how about you go through with it and then you live with me my dear poppet!" He said excitedly. I smiled wide and hugged him tighter.

"REALLY! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I said happily. I will finally be rid of my father. Oliver told me to go ahead and go home because he would pick me up at 8:00. So I ran out of the shop and down the street with my backpack flopping up and down on my back. I held a piece of paper that had his phone number in it i case he needed to come get me earlier. As I entered the house I saw it was 5:00. I only had thirty minutes to get dinner done. So I started boiling water and got out what I think is called a skillet and put some sauce in it. I grabbed the pasta and poured them into the boiling water and made sure the sauce didn't burn. I had just finished the dishes as my father came home slamming the door. He walked into the dining area like always and sat at the table where his food was set and began eating.

"(Y/N) BRING ME SOME BEER! NOW!" He yelled at me as I quickly grabbed him a bottle, opening it and running to give it to him. I didn't speak because I knew what would happen if I did.

"Next time I expect it already here bitch!" He yelled and slapped me hard across the face. I quietly whimpered.

"Y-Yes sir" I whispered.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD TALK YOU PIECE OF SHIT!?" He screeched pinning me to a wall. He hit me once, twice, three times in the stomach. Hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to kill me.

'Remember Ollies coming just hold on. Remember you get to leave him.' I thought as he let go and I crumpled to the floor. He yelled at me to clean up this mess and went off to his room. I did as I was told and looked at the clock. It's now 6:00. Time to get working. I run as fast as I can, though breathing was painful, all the way to my room. I packed most of my clothes. As I head down to the kitchen I could hear my father opening his door making me scared. He stomped down the steps to where I was and called to me in a sickly sweet voice. I know what was to come as I hesitantly made my way towards him.

"Come here baby girl, Daddy was to play." He spoke huskily. I shuddered, I didn't want to play. He pulled me on his room and threw me onto his bed as he undressed me. I was crying silent tears, knowing if I was louder it'd may bring him more pleasure.

*Timeskip bright to you by my disgust of anything like this. I do not support these kinds of actions*

I laid there naked as father was passed out. I had to do something. If he could do this to his own daughter, would he do this to some other poor innocent child? I couldn't let that happen. I knew what I had to do as I cubed out of the bed and slipped my clothes back on and went downstairs. I dug through the drawers and searched for the big cutting knife. A giggled quietly as I headed up stairs, holding the knife tight in my right hand and a gag in the left. I was going to make him pay. I grabbed the rope he used to use on mommy and tied him up carefully without waking him and laughed loudly.

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead!" I yelled. He tried to jolt up but quickly found that he had ropes tying his hands and feet to the bed. I grabbed the gag and quickly put it into his mouth securing it in place then proceeding to grab the knife. His eyes went wide in fear as he mumbled out pleas and begged for forgiveness. I didn't listen as I drug the knife across his arm, his leg, his stomach, and then right below his eye. Making each cut deeper than the next as he tried to cry out. 'Those are for me' I thought. I then drove the knife into his stomach making a huge cut watching as he bled.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a man! How is it I can take everything you put me through me but you cry at the slightest cut?" I said as he cried. I dug my finger into his eye slowly pulling out one of his eyeballs as he screamed through the gag.

"There less tears" I grinned wickedly. I took the gag off seeing as nobody in my neighborhood cared anyway and grabbed my sewing kit and pulled out my needle and thread. His screams made me happy. I took the knife and put it at the corner of his mouth and cut upward, making a big gash. I did the same to the other side and giggled. I sewed it back together.

"SEE NOW YOUR SMILING!" He wasn't even screaming anymore. I looked at his blood soaked body and smiled like a madman.

"And that's for mommy! And anyone else you might've harmed." I laughed loudly while checking his pulse, just to see my fun was over, he was dead. I was completely soaked in his blood and I didn't care. I them had a great idea, I grabbed onto his member and took the knife. I cut the off- with some effort. I went into the kitchen and saw I had five minuets until Oliver came to get me. 'Oh I hope he still wants me' I thought. I grabbed my bag and waited by the front door. Not even five minuets later he walked through the door and gasped seeing me soaked in crimson red.

"Oh dear! You must change when we get home!" He exclaimed. But I didn't care, I was just happy he didn't shun me. He looked somewhat proud, seemingly knowing what I've done.

"Wanna see! I did good!" I said excitedly as I lead him to my fathers room. He smiled and giggled at my work.

"I'm proud poppet! But I'm afraid we have to go now." He picked me up and brought us to his car. He set me upfront and buckled me up, walking over to the other side and drove off just as police started crowding my old house.

*Was it ok? It took me literally all day since I was in school. I really hope you guys liked it! Bye for now Poppets!!*

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