Read the chapter's title. This is about a kid that is quickly orphaned and adopted. This will be an angsty and sad little work.
MC, protagonist or someone important is visiting something, someone, or somewhere, and meets two people they really ship together. They become friends and find out that both people are pining for each other, male and female people. As a serious shipper, they try to get them together.
~Arranged boat trip along river populated with spring sakura flowers~
Soft flower petals drifted down the still water. Shaking the branch, I shook some more petals off the sakura trees. Watching as they flittered and danced in the gentle breeze, before making small ripples in the water.
Two figures bellowed laughed and smiled as the boat drifted under the flowering sakura flowers. Smiling I watched as they whispered sweet nothings to each other, promises of hope and love drifted through the air.
~Gets very excited and ruins key moment. Don't worry, that brings them together even more~
With shy smiles, they made leaned closer, lips about to kiss. Smiling, I placed my hands on both their shoulders. Ruining the not-really intimate moment between the two.
"Congratulations you're a couple! I'm gonna be the Godparent. Right?"
Miyuki blushed and smiled shyly towards the ground as (male partner) flailed his arms. Ah, such a cute couple.
~Leaves because this was only a trip. MC has family and a life to get back to~
Sighing, I turned to take my leave. Turning one last time before I left to pack my bags for my return back.
May your life be good to you, dear Miyuki-chan.
~Walking down street alleyway with...someone. Friend, brother, sister, anyone you see fit. Really long timeskip, like seven years~
There was screaming and crying and...I recognized that voice that sobbed, no begged.
"If I go to jail she'll die."
I froze as my eyes widened. Her name sliding through my mouth as familiar as the summer I spent with her.
Spinning around, I dashed towards Miyuki. Innocent little Miyuki. A, an officer of the law (really someone that is on the side of the law, keep him fair and important. Can be side-villain if you want, dunno. Not really going to bother with detail), held her in his grasp. Restraints placed on her prone form, while another man with gashes on his face smirked. I reached towards her, calling that familiar name. The name of that young woman that I had met so long ago.
Kneeling beside her, I snarled at the...trash that dared to hurt my dear Miyuki-chan. They backed away fearfully as I inspected Miyuki. She seemed to be starving and there were long gashes and...she smelled of unfamiliar men.
"Miyuki, what happened?"
Glassy eyes opened with vengeful anger in them.
"(MC's name)...where were you? Where were you? He left me. He left me! He left me and my child. Where were you?"
She trembled with anger and sadness, but then she went into a coughing fit. Red blood splattered across the cold stone. Sickness wafted in heavy fumes off it.
I know this scent...this is one that only those that are... Cold realization made me gasp out.
"You're dying. You're dying Miyuki-chan."
Pale lips twisted into a once so familiar smile.
"I know that (MC's name)-baka."
The nickname made me smile, a reminder of happier times. A sickly thin hand clutched mine tightly, so tight that her knuckles turned white.
"My dear Haru-chan. Where is Haru-chan, (MC's name)?"
Tears, unfamiliar tears marred that once so bright and beautiful face.
"Where is Haru-chan? Please, my child. Where is she?"
Sobs hiccupped in her throat as she whimpered. She felt so cold. So very cold. I lifted her hand to my face, as I breathed in that familiar scent.
"Miyuki...I don't know where your child is."
Empty eyes stared into mine, as she hoarsely whispered.
"Find my beloved child. Find her..."
Her bright smile dimmed to a deep frown. Coughing again, she shivered as unconsciousness stole upon her. I took in a deep breath of her scent before I looked upwards again.
"Take her to a hospital. Now."
Turning to the two men that dared hurt my Miyuki-chan, I snarled. Patience...answers first.
"What did you do to her."
Taking a deep breath, I smiled sharply at them.
"Or I'll introduce you to a world of pain."
The officer took a step back as the civilian man ran. He wilted slightly under my glare then steeled himself as he took several steps forward.
"This...woman attacked this-that man. Upholding local laws, I was about to arrest her."
(And this is where I disowned a good plot-bunny. Let this plot-bunny help you start a good work, because I'm pretty sure I'm not picking this one back up for a long-time.)
Angsty. Oh yeah, rename as you see fit. I just thought that these names were good and used them. Didn't do any research on meaning and stuff, just heard them somewhere and felt it was right.
Failed Chapters
Short StoryAnything that could have been in any of my books, but didn't work out go here. Copy-n-paste as needed, you can take it.