Struck Again...

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(Gold's POV)

I don't know why, but something made me want to go to the Ruins Of Alph.

Everything in my body was aching.

I saw something for a second.

Everything disappears and I saw a face. I can't tell what it is because it went away so fast.

I look at Togetaro and it's got a worried expression on its face.

Something's up. I can tell.

I look around my surroundings. Nothing.

Then... I see my life flash before my eyes.

(Crystal's POV)

We didn't split up this time.

Silver suggests that we go to the Ruins Of Alph one more time.

We agree and fly to the location.

We were right above it and we saw something horrifying.

Gold got attacked out of nowhere.

We all fly down and get to the source of the attacks.

I'm in a battle with Ariana.

"Aw," She says, "are you sad that your boyfriend is now dead?"

No... no... he's not dead. Not yet.

I battled her with all my strength.

I beat her and so did the other dex holders did with their battles.

Team Rocket retreats.

We all run to the area where Gold was.

He's not there.

"Is..." Yellow says, "is he still alive?"

"We don't know..." Blue responds.

I can't take it anymore.

I fall to the ground and cry into my hands.

"PLEASE," I say through my hands, "PLEASE be alive!"

To be continued...

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