Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


{DAY 5}

The trio arrived in Oxford just as the car began to rumble with fumes.

"Uh oh..." Lilith mumbles in an adorable voice.

"What's wrong?" Minx asked, beginning to panic.

I fucking hate cars! Minx thought

"We're running out of gas..." Pewds said, trying to drive the car forward as much as possible.

"Well, there's a gas station, like, right there!" Minx shouted, pointing at a blue gas station. Pewds lifted an eyebrow.

"I doubt there's gas..." Pewds mumbled.

"Worth a shot." Minx said.


Lilith began to cough multiple times. She sniffs as her runny nose worsened. Her minor headache turned into a migraine but she tried her best to not whine.

"M-Minx *cough*. Do you have a tissue?" Lilith asked in between coughs. Minx looked around. She found an old napkin in her backpack and offered it to Lilith.

"Here you go Lilith." Minx said as Lilith snatched the napkin.

"Than- You." Lilith tried to thank Minx but her uncontrollable coughing made it impossible.

Minx began to get extremely worried for Lilith's health...


The car rumbles loudly before coming into a complete stop.

"'s empty...shit!" Pewds shouts in anger. Minx smacks his arm.

"Don't. Cuss." Minx whispers.

"Sorry. Sorry. I think we have to push the car to the gas station. Minx, give me a hand while Lilith steers it to the station." Pewds explained, taking off his seatbelt.

Minx nods, turning her body to look at Lilith.

"Lilly, I'm going to need your help." Minx says.

"What's the magic word?" Lilith smiles.

"Uhhh. I'm going to need your help, pretty please!" Minx played along. Lilith nods.

"What do I do?" Lilith asks, taking off her seatbelt.

"Uncle Felix and I will push the car from behind while you move the wheel to the station over there. You think you can do that?" Minx asks. Lilith nods in agreement.


Minx and Pewds push the car with all their force as Lilith steers the wheel.

Bit by bit, the car began to move closer to the station.

A half hour later, the car stopped moving as they positioned it to the gas pump.

"I'll check inside for a canister. Be right back. Minx, your revolver is under the seat for emergencies only. Okay?" Pewds explained. Minx sits on the passenger seat, nodding.

Pewds closes the door for Minx to lock it. He runs over to the gas station, opening the front door. All Minx was able to see what Pewds lifting his arms up, talking to someone.

Lilith began to cough up mucus and saliva. She covers her mouth with the napkin, which was now dripping with saliva.

Minx brought her attention towards Lilith.

"Lilith? You okay back there?" Minx asks, already knowing the answer.

"I...don't feel good. I'm scared." Lilith complained for the first time. Minx couldn't handle hearing Lilith cough and sniff anymore.

Minx gets off the car and sits on the back seats.

"Lay down on my lap." Minx mumbles, patting her legs. Lilith moves her fragile body, trying to get comfortable. Minx takes off her jacket and places it over Lilith's body as a blanket.

"Minx..." Lilith says, getting Minx's attention.

"Yes?" Minx asks.

"When are we reaching London?" Lilith asks. Minx leans her head on her seat.

"Maybe today...We're in Oxford right now...12 o'clock, noon. Tonight..." Minx mumbles, trying to calculate the time.

"I hope Krism is there...I want to meet her..." Lilith chuckles.

"Krism is in Washington though..." Minx says, confused.

"America and England are teaming up. America will go to England before the bomb goes off." Lilith explained.

"How the hell do you know all this??" Minx asks, suspicious. Lilith gulps loudly.

"I...may have talked to the man in a suit when I was going to the bathroom. I asked if Krism will be there and they said yes. Then they talked about me and I got scared." Lilith explained.

"You talked about Krism to the government? You talked to them?" Minx asks, surprised.

"Maybe..." Lilith mumbles.

"Damnit...let's just hope they won't find us that way..." Minx mumbles to herself.


Pewds ran back with a gas canister. He pours gasoline into the car. He runs over to the driver seat, knocking on the window. Minx unlocks the car, letting Pewds in.

"Why in a rush?" Minx asks. The door to the gas station broke open, revealing a very angry man.

"Get back here!" The man yelled in a British accent. Pewds turns on the car. He drives forward, screeching the wheels.

"I may have stolen gas from him." Pewds said, driving away from the station.

"You stole from him?" Minx shouted.

"I told him that I needed gas and he said he had some in the back so I got it and ran." Pewds explained, not bothering to put on his seatbelt.

"Goddamnit Felix!" Minx shouted, disappointed.

"I'm sorry but I had to do it. We're almost there!" Pewds said, driving faster.

"How long will we be in this car now?" Minx asked, impatiently.

"Just...just...3-4 hours max." Pewds guessed.

"4 hours!" Minx and Lilith shouted in unison.

"The closer we get to London, the bigger the traffic will force us to stop." Pewds answered. Minx sighs.

"Great...we're almost there though..." Minx whispered to herself. A wave of relief washes over her mind.


I'm so so lazy on this story. I have a few chapters already written down but I've been so busy and lazy. But I will try my ultimate best to finish these last few chapters!

It looks like Minx, Pewds, and Lilith are SO close to London! Will they be able to reach it?

Well, bye!

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